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Taehyung typed in the passcode and swung the door open slowly.

He stepped in, his feet and heart heavy. The papers in his hand burning his skin.

He let the door close behind him as he removed his shoes.

He passed the hallway and entered the living room, from where he directly made his way to the kitchen.

And Jin was there, sitting on the dining table once again staring at his laptop. But his eyes seemed unfocused as if he was simply, mindlessly scrolling through the laptop while his head was somewhere else.

Beside the laptop, sat a set of papers, similar to the ones in Taehyung's hands.

Taehyung's heart clenched his hand gripping the papers tightly, slightly crumpling it.

"Hey" Taehyung said through gritted teeth.

Jin looked up startled at Taehyung's sudden appearance.

His lips pulled in a smile. But they stopped mid-way, leaving him half smiling, half not smiling awkwardly.

Jin pursed his lips and cleared his throat "Hey."

"You didn't sleep yet" Taehyung commented.

Jin shrugged looking up at Taehyung, but his eyes fell on Taehyung's hand and he went rigid.

"We had to sign the paper right? So I stayed up" Jin said pointing to the papers next to him.

Taehyung bit his inner cheek and sat opposite to Jin and placed the papers on the table.

"I have signed. You should do it now" Taehyung said pushing them towards Jin.

Jin took the ones next to him and slid them towards Taehyung "Same"

Taehyung took them. And there they were, Jin's signatures.

He took a pen out of his pocket and hovered it over the place he must sign, his heart screaming at him to not do it.

He gulped down his feelings and let the pen touch the paper, moving it and putting his signature on it.

As soon as he finished signing, he heard the sound of Jin writing too.

Was Jin waiting for him to sign first?

Jin placed the paper back in the centre.

It was done.

They were now legally divorced.

Speaking of that............

"We have to tell our parents" Taehyung said out loud.

Marriage Without Benefits||Taejin✔️Where stories live. Discover now