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Jin wrinkled his nose as the cold air hit him, waking him up from his sleep.

He stretched his hand out to to hug Taehyung.

To feel his warmth.

All he was met with was an empty bed.

Jin opened his eyes and looked at his bed. The other side was cold, meaning Taehyung had been out for long.

Jin frowned and took his phone.

His eye widened. It was way past the time he usually woke up. He checked his alarm to find that it was turned off.

Then everything that had happened yesterday came crashing down onto him.

Yoongi, Minjae and...........

Oh dear Taehyung!

Jin quickly scrambled off the bed and dialled Yoongi.

He picked it up after four rings.


"Are you in your office?"

"Yes, why? Even-"

"I am coming. Don't go anywhere. I have something important to do"


Jin had already ended the call, going into the attached bathroom and finishing up his buisness.

Once done he hurriedly put on some clothes, took his phone and wallet and headed out.

He put his shoes on, snatched the key from the table and went out, locking the door.

It didn't take long for him to go down the elevator and hop into his car, and soon he was driving way over the speed limit towards the lawyer's office.

And he didn't once question himself where Taehyung was and where did he go so early.

The usually 30 minutes drive took him 20 as parked his car and got down.

A few familiar lawyers waved at him and he smiled back politely. He took two steps at a time and walked with long strides towards Yoongi's office.

The familiar cat mat greeted him as he did not even care to knock before entering.

He should have done this yesterday itself. But he will do it now.

He will tell Yoongi everything and ask Taehyung about it and cancel the contract.

A part of him....... No. His whole being had somehow found its way to get attached to Taehyung.

And somehow being with him everyday had made Jin forget about the impending contract.

Marriage Without Benefits||Taejin✔️Where stories live. Discover now