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Hope you all are well!


"Good morning Jimin" Seokjin said as he neared Jimin who was waiting near the elevator as usual.

He bowed "Good morning sir."

"Did anything happen yesterday when I was not there?"

"No sir. How are your hotels? I have eaten once in the Seoul branch and honestly that's the best food I had ever tasted. You have done a great job on them. But I assume handling two of these companies must be difficult for you"

Jin who was still not used someone talking so much took some time to process all of Jimin's words.

Not that he minded. It was better than silence.

"They are good. Thank you for asking Jimin. Also for liking the food. But you said you only ate once?"

The elevator opened and both of them stepped in.

Jimin rubbed his neck "Yea. It was very good. I have started saving money. So no unnecessary spending"

"Anything special?" Jin asked unable to hold his curiosity in.

Jimin grinned "Yes! I have this house in mind. I want to gift them to my parents on their 30th anniversary. It's an year away. And I am almost there with the money. Besides I can always take a loan and..... Sorry sir. I got carried away"

Jin chuckled "Why?"

Jimin cleared his throat "I am kind of an oversharer. People tell I talk a lot"

The elevator opened on their floor. Jin got off and walked towards the office, Jimin following closely "Don't worry. I like it better than silence"

Jimin grinned "Yes sir!"

Jin sat down in his chair casting a look around the room "Jimin. I want you to list candidates for an interview. Good education, clear background and experience of working in a huge company. Also look for good remarks about them."

Jimin nodded "Yes sir. But it would be ideal if I know what the post is, so that I can filter through easily"

Jin grimaced. What was he gonna tell?

"Umm.... For the CFO position." Jin said. If the person can handle that position, he can trust him with the CEO position.

Jimin nodded "Okay sir" he was turning around when he suddenly turned.

"But... Mr Heechul is the CFO"

"Yes. I am aware of that Jimin....."

Jimin gasped "You fired him!?"

"No Jimin..."

"You will fire him now!?"

Jin sighed "Jimin. No...."

"You will fire him after hiring someone! But everybody tells Mr Heechul works very well and......"

"Jimin! Calm down. I have not fired him, and I won't fire him. Ok? Now that it is cle....."

"But why are you looking for a CFO?"

"That will not be your concern Jimin. So do the task and remember. No word of this will go out. It will remain between us and thee four walls."

Considering what Jimin had told him earlier in the elevator Jin had made a grave mistake. But he couldn't go back now.

"Ok. I won't yell anyone"

Marriage Without Benefits||Taejin✔️Where stories live. Discover now