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Jin turned off the engine and sat back on his seat.

It was 4am in the morning and they were currently a few metres away from Namjoon's home. According to Jungkook he was leaving home at 4:30 am to catch a flight to Busan.

But after doing some snooping, Jungkook found out that Namjoon was not going to Busan. There was no tickets booked in Namjoon's name. Jin was extremely surprised and impressed by Jungkook's information gaining skills.

He couldn't hold it in and asked him on the phone. Jungkook had laughed sounding a bit embarrassed. Apparently some of his highschool friends had jobs in different areas. One in cyber, one excellent at hacking, one in the government and other jobs. This connection and the mention of Taehyung's name got the job done.

Jin looked to his side to see Taehyung sleeping on the seat. When Jin woke up today, he literally had to drag Taehyung out of the bed. Then Taehyung had punched in the address to Namjoon's house into the car GPS and passed out in the passengers seat.

Apparently he was not a morning person.

Jin tapped Taehyung on the shoulder "We reached." He shook his shoulder when he did not get any reaction "Taehyung get up."

This time he did a get reaction, but not what he expected.

Taehyung groaned and turned latching onto Seokjin's hand hugging it tight still sleeping.

Jin hissed at Taehyung's tight hold. He wiggled his hand trying to free it, but Taehyung only held it tighter. He leaned onto Seokjin placing his head on his shoulder.

Jin froze. He gulped and turned away looking towards Namjoon's house. There was no movement yet.

He looked back at Taehyung. Messy bangs covering his eyes, and his usually sharp features gone soft. Did he mention how Taehyung's cheeks were squished against his shoulders? That too.

Jin raised his hand and parted Taehyung's bangs, revealing his uneven eyelids. He came down and brushed across Taehyung's mole on the tip of his nose smiling to himself.

Taehyung jerked his head at the touch and Jin immediately retrieved his hand sitting straight. Well as much as possible, because Taehyung was still holding him in an iron grip.

Jin looked at his sleeping face once more before turning towards Namjoon's house. He widened his eyes.

"Taehyung!" He whispered loudly "The lights are on. Get up" Jin tried to shake him. All he got was a groan.

"Taehyung!" Jin almost yelled.

Taehyung opened his disoriented eyes "Huh?"

"Namjoon is leaving"

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