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Hope you all are well!
Dedicated to Deep__Tae (you have been MIA)


"It was the police. They said it was cyanide in the glass"

Jin internally shivered at the thought. "How are you so calm about all this stuff?"

Taehyung frowned "I- what do you mean?"

"What do I mean!? Somebody is planning to kill you! You could have died tonight."

Taehyung sighed ran a hand through his hair "Now that you put it like that, it's indeed a bit disturbing"

Jin sighed as kept his chopsticks aside, finally done with his dinner. "I don't understand"

"What do you not understand?"

Jin rolled his eyes "You are being awfully calm about this stuff. First the writing on the door, then this- and you sound so confident when telling they might be the same. Are you hiding something?"

"It was an hunch!" Taehyung said immediately "It is just some sick prank. Leave it. I will be more careful. I am going to bed" Taehyung stood up.

Jin immediately stood up "Wait don't leave in the middle of a conversation. It is not a sick prank you fucking idiot. Pranks don't involve killing with cyanide. And there is little you can do by being careful. What? Are you going to stop eating and drinking?"

Taehyung looked at Jin, his mouth parted in surprise "Did you just call me an idiot?"

Jin shrugged and crossed his arms "Yes. Because you are being one right now"

Taehyung scoffed "I can't believe we are having this conversation right now. What is the matter with you? Besides Why do you even care!?"

It was pin drop silence for a few seconds.

Seokjin laughed. A wonderfully fake sounding laugh "You know what, you are right. Why should I care? Have a great night."

Jin went into his room and slammed his door shut.

Taehyung closed his eyes trying to calm his erratic breathing. He looked down at the table, filled with dishes. He sat down on the chair and cradled his head in his hands.

He took a few minutes and got up. He picked all the dishes on the table and went to the sink. He tok his time and washed all of them, then arranged them on the drying rack.

He wiped the dining table once, annd then returned to his room. He had thought he would not get any sleep owing to what happened the time before, but he was again wrong.

He slep as soon as he hit the bed. But before he did, he set an alarm. Way early than he woke usually.


Jin groaned as the alarm rang, disturbing his peaceful sleep. He turned and switched it off. He laid in his bed, eyes open as what happened yesterday registered in his mind.

Jin was awfully worried. And very shaken when Taehyung had told that the white powder was infact cyanide. But the way Taehyung told it, people would have thought it was powdered sugar.

'We don't want any accidents, especially when Taehyung just received the company'

"Ouch" Jin said to himself as he remembered what Taehyung's dad had told. He did not even know why he overreacted yesterday night. Why should he care?

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