Chapter 48 : Suspect

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Somin's POV

"It's you, right? The one who formatted my laptop?"

"Dayeon, what are you saying? I didn't even know it was formatted."

When I came to PD-nim's room, I learnt that Dayeon's laptop was stolen and when she got it back, it was already formatted. So all the songs she had saved in her laptop got deleted automatically.

"I didn't do it!" I said. "Why would I do that to a group member?"

"Because of jealousy!" Dayeon said.


"You think I don't know about your true colours? You hated me since we were trainees. And now even when we're in the same group, you still want me to leave."

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"That's right! You're jealous of my producing skills. You knew very well how hard I worked on the songs and that's why you did it."

"I told you it's not me–"

"Jung Somin," PD-nim interrupted. "It's okay to dislike someone, but this is not a way to take revenge."

"PD-nim, you also think I'd do that?"

"Anybody would think you did it after watching this."

"What do you mean?"

"You should take a look at this." He turned his laptop towards me and pressed the space bar.

It was the view from the CCTV of our dance studio. All the five of us finished our dance practice and packed our things before leaving the room.

I could clearly spot out Dayeon's laptop, which she probably forgot to take, kept on the table at one corner of the room.

After a few moments, a girl came inside. The CCTV couldn't capture her face as she had her hood on. The peculiar thing about her was the hoodie she was wearing. And I, too, had a hoodie exactly the same as that. After making sure no one was inside, she quickly picked up the laptop and ran out of the room.

"Are you still gonna say it wasn't you?" Dayeon said.

"It isn't me!...Trust me, I didn't do it!"

She rolled her eyes. "You're the only one in the whole agency who wears that brand."

"I really didn't do it!" I was almost in the verge of tears. "...Someone's trying to frame me."

I heard Dayeon sigh heavily. "PD-nim, make sure she pays for the loss." After saying that, she walked out of the room.

"PD-nim, it's not me!...I didn't do it!" He just looked away, avoiding the eye contact.

It's really not me...


Jisoo's POV

"You're really telling me to clean this up?" I said.

Hongjoong brought me to his home just to make my jaw drop on seeing the condition of his house. All the things were scattered here and there as if he didn't clean the house for a year.

I knew he doesn't take care of his house well, but didn't know it would be this messy.

"You only said you'd do anything to pay me back, even if it's cleaning my house," Hongjoong simply said.

"I did tell you, but this..." I sighed.

"Do this and pay me back."

Why in the world did I mention to clean his house? Ah, jinjja!...

"I'm counting on you, Han Jisoo. I'll be back in the evening to see how much you finished. Till then, fighting!"

"Wait, wait–"

He didn't let me say anything and rushed out of the house. I couldn't even say no to him.

I turned back to look at the mess and sighed again. "Han Jisoo, you can do it. Fighting..."


"Ah, I'm so tired!"

I plopped on the couch and closed my eyes. After spending three hours, the house finally looked clean.

I took out my cellphone and realized it was already 8:10 pm. "Hongjoong said he would be home by evening..."

I looked around his house from my sea which looked exactly the same as shown in the book.

"I never imagined I'd ever be able to come to his house." I frowned. "...And when he doesn't remember me." I sighed.

I was also a little anxious about when my time will run out and I'll have to leave again.

Just then I heard the sound of raindrops. I looked out of the window and realized it was raining heavily.

To be continued...

To be continued

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