Chapter 53 : I Can't Run Away

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Hongjoong's POV

Sighing, I rested my head on my palms. I've been stuck in the same place of the song I was working on since yesterday.

"Why can't I think of anything?..."

I leaned back on the chair, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. I was going to take out my phone from the pocket of my hoodie when some other thing grabbed my attention.

I took it out and realized it was none other than the butterfly necklace I found the other day.


"Would you like something to drink?" I asked.

"No, I'm okay," Jisoo said.

"I'll go get changed then. I'll be quick."

I asked her to sit on the couch and went to my bedroom. When I came back to the living room, she was nowhere to be found.

"Did she leave? Without even saying goodbye..."

I just looked down when my gaze landed on the sparkling thing which rested on the couch. I picked up the necklace and soon realized it was the same butterfly necklace that Jisoo wears every time.

—End of flashback—

"She must be looking for it..." I mumbled to myself.

I've been meaning to give it back, but I couldn't get in contact with her since then. I neither know where she works nor where she lives.

But I've noticed some weird things happening since I met Jisoo. After I met her, I could move and do the things I wanted to, not the things I was supposed to.

I know it doesn't make any sense, but I feel something different when I'm with her. For the first time I was swallowed by the feeling that made me become who I really am; I became the real me.

I don't know why, but it feels as if I've known her for a long time...

I put the necklace back in my pocket and decided to go out to get some fresh air. Just as I stood up from the chair, I sensed someone's presence around me. I turned back and saw someone crouching down near the door of the studio.

I didn't hear anyone entering though.

It took me a while to recognise who the person was before walking towards her.


She lifted her head before standing up, looking a little confused. "Why are you here?..." She looked around the studio as if it was her first time here.

"Then where should I be? But wait a minute!" I noticed the tear stains on her face. "Did you cry?"

She quickly looked elsewhere, wiping away the tears. "No!...I just got something in my eyes."

I bent down to her eye level. "Look at me..." She did as I said. "You can tell me what happened. I'll listen to it all. Hm?"

"Hongjoong, I...I–" she covered her face as she broke into tears.

I hesitated a little before gently patting her back and comforting her with words.


Jisoo's POV

"It's okay," Hongjoong said. We were sitting opposite to each other. "It's just the beginning. So don't lose hope."

"But it was my dream job to work there," I said, looking down at my hands. "I did get an opportunity to fulfill my dream, but I messed it up." He passed me some more tissues.

"It's okay to make mistakes. But don't give up because of them. Everything will be okay. Don't worry too much...I was also like this in the past. I started making music because it was my only escape from the cruel world."

Sniffing, I looked at him as he continued. "I came to know I was an orphan when I gained my consciousness. It was very difficult for me to handle everything at that age...I was so lonely back then." He smiled, but I could notice the pain in his eyes.

I know very well how you felt at that time. I too cried with you...

"My story is pretty sad, right?" He finally looked at me. "What about you? Why did you start making music?"

"I started it during high school." I looked down. "...After my dad passed away, I had no reason to live on. And it got too quite whenever I came back home. I tried to pretend I was okay when it was killing me from inside... But I got to find my happiness again when I met someone." I looked back at him in the eyes. "Although we only had a short time to spend with each other, I was really happy."

They say that as long as you're affection for one another is strong, you can over come anything. I haven't lost my hope till now. I believe that Hongjoong will come to remember me soon.

I won't run away until all my memories of you are erased. I can't run away...

To be continued...

To be continued

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