Chapter 52 : Forgive

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Somin's POV

"That day..." Hyunsoo nervously looked back and forth between Dayeon and Woohyun. "Dayeon unnie told me to take away her laptop while pretending to be Somin unnie. She even gave me a different hoodie so that people would think it's her."

"Yah, what nonsense are you talking about?!" Dayeon yelled.

Woohyun raised his hand to stop her. "This is my last warning. If you don't keep you voice low, then I'd have no other option than to let CEO-nim know about this matter." Dayeon rolled her eyes, folding her arms. "...Hyunsoo, why didn't you refuse to do it?"

"I tried to refuse it, but she tempted me by telling she'd put in a good word to her father and make my debut quickly... I've been a trainee for a long period so I'm always desperate for it. That's why I agreed to do it."

I was really shocked to hear Hyunsoo's explanation and my mind wasn't able to process what I just heard.

"I'm really sorry, Somin unnie." I looked back at Hyunsoo who was almost in the verge of tears. "Please forgive me. I shouldn't have agreed to do it." She looked down, clearly regretting her decision.

"Do you all really believe this girl?" Dayeon said when all the pairs of eyes got fixed on her. "Woohyun must have forced you to tell this, right?" She took some steps towards her. "Yah, Kim Hyunsoo! You may never be able to debut if you frame me like this. Do you get it?"

"Until when are you going to lie, Dayeon?" Jihyun said and took some steps towards the front.

"I'm not lying!"

"Shut up! I saw you stealing Somin's jacket from her bag. Till now I kept quiet thinking you'd confess it, but I was disappointed again."

Dayeon scoffed. "Do you have a proof of me doing that?"

"I clearly saw it with my own eyes."

"How do I believe that? If Woohyun can make up a story like this, then how could you not? Right, PD-nim?"

"Ah, yes...We can't blame an innocent person without a proof."

Nobody in the agency dares to go against the daughter of their CEO, so they agree to all her words.

She smirked on getting the expected reaction. "I won't accept it until I get a valid proof."

"...No one will know that it wasn't Somin, but you who took my laptop yesterday."

I turned to the source of the voice and saw Woohyun playing the recording in his phone.

"Things went well just as I planned... Good work, Kim Hyunsoo. I'll put in a good word for you to my dad."

So Dayeon really...?

"This is your voice, right?" Woohyun said.

"How dare you!" She tried to snatch the phone away, but Woohyun was fast enough to prevent it.

"Now did you get a valid proof of your wrongdoings?" Dayeon couldn't say anything after that. "Luckily, I overheard your conversation today morning. So I convinced Hyunsoo to tell the truth...I was so shocked to know that you could go to this extent."

"Is it fun?" Jihyun said, facing Dayeon. "Framing others like this...Does this make you feel better?" Dayeon looked elsewhere, holding back her anger.

"I'll send it to CEO-nim," Woohyun said, making Dayeon look at him in shock. "He should also know what his precious daughter is doing in his name."

"Andwae!" Woohyun was about to walk away, but Dayeon stopped him by blocking his way. "You can't! He'll kill me if he knows about it." I could sense fear in her eyes.

"Then why did you do it in the first place?"

"I wanted to prove myself in front of dad!" She let out a deep breath, closing her eyes for a while. "...I hated it when he compared me with Somin everytime. Even after trying more harder than I could, I was never able to beat her in anything."

"So you decided to do such a thing?"

"I thought I'd go crazy when he kept wanting me to be perfect." Tears started to roll down her cheeks when she couldn't hold them back anymore.

"You think you can fool us with those fake tears? I'm still going to tell your dad about this."

"Woohyun, wait!" This time I stopped him by grabbing his arm. "Don't go to CEO-nim."

"What? You're going to forgive her and let it slide so easily?"

"Ani! I won't forgive her yet. But..."

We tend to judge a person without knowing them fully. They say the prettiest smiles hide the darkest secrets. Likewise, Dayeon used to masquerade her inner sufferance with the bold personality of hers. We won't understand what the other person has been through until it happens to ourselves.

I sighed. "Let's end it here."

"Somin-ah..." I gave a nod to Woohyun before turning to face everyone.

"I request everyone to not say anything about this matter to anyone else. I apologize on behalf of Sparkle for wasting all of your precious time." I bowed to PD-nim and the other staffs. "I'm really sorry."

Some of the staffs started gossiping among themselves as they walked out of the room.

"You could have settled the matter among yourselves," PD-nim said. "Why make such a scene like this?"

"I'm sorry." I bowed to him again before he finally left. "Guys, we should also get back to our work."

"...I'm really sorry, Somin." I turned back to face Dayeon. "I must have lost my mind."

"We don't need your apology. So just get lost." Jihyun pushed her a little.

Dayeon looked down and turned back on her heels to walk away.

"Still, do it..." I said, making her stop in her tracks and turn back to face me. "I'll accept it or not, it's up to my heart to decide...Apologize, until the end. Think over and over what you did to me till now and ask for forgiveness... The next thing is, I'll think about it."

I was about to walk away from there when she suddenly kneeled down in front of me. It surprised me a little as she never does the things that hurts her pride.

I sighed internally. "Accept and let go of the things that you can't control. Instead focus your energy on the things you can. But...Don't be so hard on yourself and don't hate yourself for any reason." By saying that, I walked out of the room.

To be continued...

To be continued

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