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 { breathe }

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 { breathe }


1.3k words

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The five made their way past steep hills and had to climb their way to the top—eventually making it towards their destination.

As they entered the dark and moist cave, they pulled out their flashlights to reveal weird stumps through the entirety of the cave.

"You think he'll be okay here?" Will was worried, even though they couldn't see his face, they could tell that he was nervous for leaving his friend in such a place.

Penny softly smiled at her brother. "Yeah. Yeah, I think he'll be fine."

Judy looked up towards the darkening sky. "It's getting late. We need to head back."

(y/n) and Will looked at each other with sad eyes, they both weren't ready to leave robot yet. They started to prepare to leave but a voice—one that sounded a lot like Maureen—called out from the radio on Will's wrist.

"Hey guys, where are you?" None of them said a word but they were all thinking the same thing. Were they caught? Did Maureen and John somehow return to the Jupiter faster then they said they would? "Guys? Why is nobody answering at the Jupiter?"

"No, we're here. We're here but uh we're busy." Judy said, glancing at the the kids in front of her.

"Okay, are your sisters and (y/n) there."

Penny grabbed Will's arm. "Hey mom so we're uh, we are actually outside right now. We are checking and securing the pop-outs."

"It doesn't look like your dad and I are gonna get back tonight."

"Why is everything okay?"

"We've run into a bit of car trouble. There's not enough daylight left to get a full recharge from the solar cells. So, I don't think we'll be back till morning. Hey listen, don't forget to double check the perimeter fence before you  shut down."

"Yeah, we already did."

"I guess I feel a little better leaving you guys, knowing that the robot's there."

"Yeah about that.." Will and (y/n) walks closer towards the girl with Will giving her the puppy eyes and (y/n) mouthing the word 'please'."

"Judy are you there?"

Giving in to their pleas and looks, she responded back to her mother. "We'll talk about it when you get back. Bye mom."

"Uh, I'll see you tomorrow."

The radio clicks—indicating that the communication with them and Maureen had ended. With this, both Will and (y/n) gave Judy a wide smile, making the corner of her lips turn up as well.

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