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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


787 words

— — — — —

A lot of things happened during the next few minutes. 

With Will having go outside the Jupiter to manually close the garage door or else his sister and mother would die from oxygen loss and the harsh cold from space. 

He had successfully closed it, only for him slip from the rails that would lead him back inside due to his arm hurting. He floated in space for a few seconds, thinking about everything that occurred.

Robot hard turned good.

Will and (y/n) were shot with the beams, possibly leaving scars.

The Chariot that contained his sisters started cracking.

His mother's helmet cracking.

His father. 

Would he die? Just floating around in space until he no longer had oxygen.

 The universe answered for him as John—who was hanging from the harpoon—caught Will and brought him back to safety. 

Sitting in the hub, his arm was being examined by Judy as the blasts from the stranger robot had caused a scar. The area that was hit had black veins erupting from it. 

"I think it's kind of cool." Penny spoke casually, like she hadn't been near death 30 minutes ago. 

"I have a scar too buddy, warps all the way from my waist-" Don started but was quickly shut down.

"All right. No, uh-uh."


The two Robinson sister intervened, already not liking the way the story was going. Don rolled his eyes before leaning closer to Will.

"Seventeen stitches. Used my best bottle of whiskey to clean it up. I was passed out." The sister continued to try and stop him while Don just kept on talking until a voice broadcasted throughout the Jupiter.

"Robinsons, Jupiter 2, you are clear to dock."

"You waited for us." John smiled.

"John, I represent every member of this colonist group, even you." 

Maureen chuckled as John replied. "Victor, thank you."

"You're welcome. Quickly please Robinsons, we stayed here longer than we should." 

"Actually, we're out of fuel."

"Hold tight, we'll come to you." 

Everyone started cheering as the Resolute started to come closer and closer. They could finally make their way back on course to Alpha Centauri. 

That was until the lights started flickering and a familiar sound came to play. 

"It's the noise the robot's ship was making." Will stated, looking around the room.

"So why is our ship making it?" Penny asked, eyes widened. 

Little did the family know, the original engine from robot's fallen ship had started connecting itself to the Jupiters wires. Becoming one with the ship and moving it.

"What's going on? Why, why are we turning around?" Maureen asked aloud, confused with the direction that they were heading. 

"Jupiter 2, is everything okay?" 

"I-I don't know. It's like we lost control of the ship." Maureen replied back as she pulled up the computers, only for them to glitch. 

A small blue light came from nowhere before exploding into a super nova wave of colors, blinding everyone as they turned away. The Jupiter began to shake, almost as if it was being sucked into something, but instead of it being the black hole, it was the strange light source. 

The members of the Resolute watched as the source sucked Jupiter 2 in before closing. And as fast as it appeared, it had disappeared. 

Everyone was in shock, looking around to see where they could've went. 

Going back to the Jupiter, it had somehow been transported to an entire different galaxy as they were now faced with a red planet and blue planet merged together with flares and five planets surrounding it. 

"Wait, where are we now?" John asked the question that was n everyone's mind. 

"I have no idea." Maureen replied honestly but someone in the room knew.

"I do." Pulling out his pad, Will popped open his video of the robot's drawing. "I think we're here." 

"Where's here?" His mother asked. 

Will turned around and faced back the planets. "Danger." 

Before anything else was said, something or more so someone, popped in Will's head.

"Wait, where's (y/n)?" 

Back at the Resolute, people were running around, panicking about the missing Jupiter and the crew inside of it. Victor ran out of the room and into the main control room. 

"Captain, I've lost control with the Robinsons."

Kamal—the woman in charged—asked Diane at the desk. "Anything?"

"Radar is clear." Diane replied back. "Wait, contact. Bearing zero-six-zero. Potential conjunction. 

As Kamal and Victor looked in the distance, they saw the two robots that were fighting one another heading towards them. As they kept on flying closer, they eventually crash landed into one of the halls. Being inside the Resolute once more. 

Kamal started ordering the evacuations as a man who was known as the head of medical came up to Victor. 

"Victor, you might want the see this." 


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