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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.4k words

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"Okay, so the way I see it, if we're going to get robot and Scarecrow down to the Amber Planet, we're going to need to hijack a Jupiter." Penny said with no hesitation.

Judy stuttered. "N-No. Penny we're not gonna hijack a Jupiter."

"You're right sorry. We're gonna need to steal a Jupiter." 

"Borrow. The term is burrow, as in we have to ask permission first."

"We're going to ask permission to steal a Jupiter?" (y/n) asked in confusion.

"Okay, but who's crazy enough to let a bunch of kids burrow their Jupiter?" Will side-eyed his sister.

"What time is it?" Penny randomly asked the three.

"12:03. Why?" Judy looked to her sister.

"It's lunch time."

"All this going on and that's all you can think about?" Judy asked. 

"(y/n), Sam, can you get me to the dining hall?"

"Yeah probably, why?"

"I'll explain on the way." The (h/c) haired girl shrugged as the three started to make their way.


(y/n) waited for Penny in the subsystems alone as Sam headed back out to check on her mother. The fourteen year old girl wondered what life would be like once they helped Scarecrow and finally made their way to Alpha Centauri. Her thoughts drifted to Will. The boy she most definitely had a crush on.

Thinking back to their last moment, she internally groaned and slapped her cheeks with her hands.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid-" The girl repeated over and over again. 

"You okay?" (y/n) looked up to see Penny's concerned eyes. The girl immediately straightened up and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. So uh, did he agree."

"Nope, seems like we're just going to have to find another way." The two made their way back to the boiler room and met with Judy along the way.

"Hey." Judy greeted them.

"Hey, did Don have an idea on how to get us a Jupiter?" Penny asked her as the three made their way to the robots and Will.

"No, med bay's crawling with guards. I couldn't even get to him, it's like they knew we were coming." 

"Yeah, it's cause they did."

"What do you mean?"

Penny sighed angrily. "Smith is helping them."

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