Part 34

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I am being too busy these days so that's why a short update for you all. I might update another chapter at midnight as well if I can.
Anyways do hit the star button and leave your precious comments ❤️.

Sayantika tapped her foot on the floor being impatient, She was excited to go out and Abhimaan told her to wait as he went to freshen up.

When he came out of the room Sayantika gave him a look, he was so undressed with cream coloured shorts and a white shirt and sliders, while she on the other side was so over dressed with a white shirt and a blue coloured jeans and sneakers.

"Let's leave now"

They first had their breakfast, before heading to the beach, with Abhimaan holding her hand tight and not letting her enjoy while commanding every then and now

"Don't go there"

"Don't run"

"Sayantika, what the hell you doing?

She was so frustrated by him commanding her like an Indian dad's and she couldn't control herself and yelled "Can you please stop babysitting me? I am not a kid for God sake that you need to guide me like this,"

"We made a pact that we won't fight" He said, offended by her yell.

"You are impossible" she jerked his hand before bending down and splashing water on him.

"What the hell, Sayantika?" She giggled at his poker face before running away.

"Catch me if you can"

"Now, I won't leave you"

"We have a chance tonight, only if they attend the party" She said while dev looked curious.

"What would you do?" He questioned.

"I have this" She showed him a small box "It has drugs which imported from abroad, I will going to spike his drink, this thing can make anyone crazy and I know Abhimaan won't be able to control his sexual urge" She explained the smirk gracing on her lips.

"And top of that next day he will forget most of the thing, he won't be able to remember much of it and I can play my card that he forced me and all" She sounded so excited by saying all these.

"Sayantika herself will divorce him after seeing me and her husband next day on the bed" she further said the evil glint clearly visible in her eyes.

"Dev, all you need to do is to handle, Sayantika for a night" She said before grabbing the another small box "Mixed this in her drink tonight and she will pass out in seconds and will be unconscious for next 8-10 hours" Dev was in deep thought, he was still skeptical about such dangerous plan.

"Or if you want you can add this in her drink and enjoy with her for a night, you know what I mean right?" She said as she chuckled.

"Excuse me, I love Sayantika and not her body, I will not touch her without her consent" all she could do was to laugh at his words.

"Oh my lover boy you are totally whipped" She complimented. "Now tell me , you fine with this plan?"

"I am fine with it then" he agreed.

She smirked evilly before saying "Abhimaan has to pay for rejecting me, I just can't wait for the night"

Dev has few mixed thoughts about the plan but he still chosed to agree with it because he hates Abhimaan and he will go to any extent to win Sayantika.

After changing into another baby pink coloured long dress, Sayantika slumped down on the bed, She has enjoyed in the beach with Abhimaan though it was indeed shocking but they splashed water on each other, drank coconut water, tried some street foods and what not.

She was little tired and she wanted to get some nap, even last night she didn't sleep well.

"Don't you want to have lunch?" He asked.

"No I am not hungry, I want to take a nap now" She pulled the duvet over herself and the sleep engulfed her in few mins.

Abhimaan sat down on the couch in living room, savouring the taste of pizza which he ordered for himself, his eyes fell on the card which was attached to the box, He opened it to found the invitation of tonight's party.

He tossed it aside and continued eating the pizza, he was hungry and he can't sacrificed his hunger just because his wife is sleeping. He would order something for hers whenever she wakes up.

After an hour or two.

Sayantika woke up and first thing she did was to grab her phone from the side table and her eyes widened when she saw the time, it was 7 in the evening, she slept for 4 hours straight.

She yawned getting off from the bed, She didn't find her husband and thought maybe he went out somewhere.

After washing her face and tying up her hair in a messy updo she walked out of the suite as she was hungry.

"That's so nice to meet you after like two years" Her feet halted at her husband's voice and her eyes snapping at the direction to found him standing with a girl, shaking hands with her.

That girl looked beautiful with an hourglass figure and a bodycon dress sticking on her body like a second skin. Her face has ample amount of makeup and just by staring at her Sayantika felt concious by her own self.

From Sayantika's pov, She was so beautiful and a literal perfect, from height to body everything seems perfection.

"Uh no I am here for a little work which dad has given" Sayantika didn't want to still she was eavesdropping their conversation, it's not her mistake that they are standing in the middle of the hallway and talking so loudly.

"Do you know about party here tonight?" She heard that girl asking Abhimaan.

"Yes, of course, Rene" and she got to know that the girl's name was Rene.

"So are you coming tonight in party?" Rene asked Sayantika's Husband "We can catch up over drinks you know?" She further suggested

"I don't know, I am not sure about it" Abhimaan shrugged his shoulders.

"Come on, Abhi, don't be a spoilsport we can enjoy it's been so long" Sayantika cringed at her tone and how she held Abhimaan's hand.

"I will try" Abhimaan pulled his hand back "Ok then I'll see you tonight, bye" turning on her heels she left.

While Abhimaan finally spot Sayantika and walked over to her "You up?"

"No I am sleepwalking" She snapped making him roll his eyes

"Yeah right" he shook his head "Were you eavesdropping my conversation with my friend?" He asked further.

"Excuse me? It was not my mistake that you were talking so loudly with hers, you could've taken your friend somewhere out and converse with hers in private" She emphasized, the amused chuckle leaving his lips.

"How about I took her in my room? Would you be jealous?" She made a bad face at his words.

"Why would I be jealous huh? You can take her in your room , your washroom or anywhere you want that's not my problem" She cleared glaring at him.

He was about to reply her when she said again "Mr. Raichand, you've already wasted my time, so kindly move aside and let me go , I am starving"

To be continued.

Party huh😏😏😏 Are you all excited for the party by the way guyssssss?

Who is Rene? Is she is the same girl who is obsessed with Rene or some other postive character?

The fun is about to begin we are so closeeeeee😎 and yes I know you all are excited 👽

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