Chapter 7 : Invisibility Cloak

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"Wake up Harry!" I heard someone shout, "wake up Liz! It's Christmas!"

I soon realised it was Ron shouting and I groaned, sitting up in my bed. "Come on guys get up!" Ron yelled again. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and got out of bed, putting some fluffy socks on and brushing through my hair before opening the door and running down the stairs. I met Harry half way down and we walked down to Ron, who was in the common room.

"Merry Christmas Ron," Harry and I smiled and Ron beamed at us. "Merry Christmas guys," he copied us and we walked up to the tree.

I looked at Ron and noticed he was wearing a dark red coloured knit sweater that had a gold R on it. He had it on over his PJ's. "Ron what are you wearing?" I asked confused and he cringed. "Oh mum made it," he muttered, "looks like you have one each too."

Harry gasped and looked under the tree. "I've got presents?" He beamed and me and Ron giggled. "Yeah," we both chuckled in unison.

We all opened our presents. I got a knit sweater from Mrs Weasley, just like Ron. Harry got one too. Mine was light purple and had a gold E on it and Harry's was dark blue with a golden H on it. We both put them on and we loved them. Ron didn't seam to like his though.

Harry also got a wooden flute from Hagrid, 50p from his Aunt and Uncle, a Chocolate Frog and Every Flavor Beans from Hermione, Ron got him some more chocolate frogs and some gummy worms and I got him some jelly slugs, a Liquorice wand and a red leather watch.

He put the watch on and thanked me with a hug. He was so happy.

Ron also got a couple packs of Berty Botts Every Flavour Beans from Hermione, and some jelly slugs from Harry and I got him five Liquorice wands and a pack of gummy worms.

I got some chocolate frogs and Berty Beans from Hermione, some jelly slugs and a chocolate frog from Ron and a charm bracelet from Harry. It had a train charm and a platform 9 3/4 charm on it. I put it on and thanked him with a very tight hug. My parents got me a new, light purple hoodie and a purple tank top. What can I say? I like purple.

Harry had one more present left and Ron and I watched him open it. He picked out an old black and brown cloak.

"It's some sort of cloak," Harry blurted and Ron and I stared at it in shock. "We'll go on then," Ron urged him, "put it on."

Harry swung it over his shoulders and wrapped it around his body. Ron and I stared in shock as Harry's body disappeared under the cloak. It looked like his head was floating in mid air which made me giggle.

Harry gasped as he looked down. "My body's gone," he yelled. He twirled around and gaped in amazement. "I'm invisible," he muttered, still surprised.

Ron gasped, "I know what that is."

"That's and invisibility cloak," Ron and I yelled at the same time.

"Who sent you it?" I asked Harry as he took it off. "I don't know," he replied, "it just said........'use it well'."

After we opened our presents, we hung out for a bit with the twins and Percy. We played a few games and ate our chocolate and sweets. At around 11:50am we decided to go have food. We all had our jumpers on that Mrs Weasley gave us and we went down to the Great Hall for Christmas dinner.

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