Chapter 71 : Ice Cream

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A/N. Sorry, I know it's been a while. I've has some difficulty writing lately and recently I haven't really been feeling well. Don't worry, it's not COVID, just a very, very bad cold. Anyway on with the next chapter.

Soon it was Slughorn dinner party. Hermione had finished while I was still getting ready so I told her to go on. I did my makeup and curled my hair before getting dressed.

 I did my makeup and curled my hair before getting dressed

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(She's not wearing the bag though)

I looked in the mirror and sighed. If only my mother could see the woman I've become. I saw my necklace, still hung around my neck and opened it.

I had changed out the photo of my mum to a photo of both my parents on their wedding day. They looked so happy. My brother was still in there obviously. I missed them all so much. And to think, if we would have found my brother, there's a possibility that the four of us could still be together. Even though mum died of a disease, maybe we could have helped more. A tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it away.

Soon, a flood of tears polled down to my chin and I sat on my bed, crying my eyes out.

I miss my family so much...

Harry's POV

Suddenly, the door to the room opened and Lizzie stepped through.

"Ahh!" Slughorn beamed, "Miss Bennet. We were beginning to wonder where you'd gotten to."

"Look at her eyes," Hermione whispered from beside me, "she's been crying again. About her parents and her brother."

Lizzie made her way over to the table and pulled out the last chair, that was between Ginny and I.

"Sorry I'm not usually late," she apologised, sniffling beforehand.

I stood up as she pulled the chair out and we made eye contact. She looked beautiful as always. She never doesn't look gorgeous. But her eyes were red, just like Hermione said, and that made me worried.

She nodded and sat down, me sitting back in my seat awkwardly. I saw Hermione smirk at me out of the corner of my eye and I furrowed my eyebrows at her. She shook her head and went back to eating her ice cream.

"Not to worry Miss Bennet," Slughorn chuckled, "we were just eating desert. Eat as much as you like, that is if Belby's left you any."

He chuckled weirdly at his own joke and then continued eating his icecream.

Slughorn began talking with some of the rich boys for a while but we didn't really pay attention. I picked at the ice cream in front of me, not eating much. Hermione had eaten about half of hers and Lizzie hadn't even eaten a bite. Which was weird cause she loves ice cream.

"So miss Bennet what jobs do your parents have?" Professor Slughorn asked, trying to spark a conversation.

"Erm - Sir-" I spoke up but Lizzie interjected.

"Harry it's okay, Erm - that's kind of a hard question to answer..."

The room went silent, everyone looking at her to elaborate so she swallowed and spoke again.

"Erm - my mums dead..."

"Oh," Slughorn sighed, "I'm terrible sorry I had no idea."

"It's fine, really," she chuckled nervously.

"And your father?"

"Well, he used to work in the Ministry. In the use of Muggle artifacts office. But he's elsewhere at the moment," she spoke slowly, trying to figure out the best words to use.

"I see," he smiled and the room became silent again. I slowly put my hand on her thigh, stroking it comfortingly and she looked up at me with a sad smile.

"I live with my Nona," she spoke again, braking the silence, "she's kind of insane though, she's always where's her shower cap around the house and steals all the butter."

She giggled and I chuckled along with her but no one else was laughing. She cleared her throat and took the first spoon of her ice cream, awkwardly eating it.

"And what about you Miss Granger?" Slughorn asked, "What do your parents do in the Muggle world?"

"My parents are dentists," Hermione answered and everyone looked at her confused.

"They tend to peoples teeth," she explained.

"And is that considered a dangerous profession?" The professor asked.

"No. Although," she began to chuckled, "one boy, Robby Fenwick did bight my father once. He had to get ten stitches."

She laughed a little but no one else laughed. Then, the room went into silence again.

Lizzie's POV

After a few hours of complete agony, the dinner party was finally over. Harry stayed inside to talk to Slughorn for a bit and Hermione and I waited outside.

"Are you okay? You came in crying earlier," Hermione asked, after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered, "It's just hard you know."

"Yeah, I know," she smiled and hugged me.

We pulled away and I beamed, "but I-"

Suddenly the door opened and Harry walked out, causing me to stop talking.

"Sorry were you guys having a moment?" He asked awkwardly, "I can go back in and then come back out in a few minutes."

"No it's fine," I chuckled, "let's get back to the common room."

When we entered the common room we immediately saw Ron asleep on the couch. It was obvious that he was waiting for us but ended up getting too tired.

Hermione said she would stay downstairs and wake him up so Harry put his arm around me, leading me upstairs to his bedroom.

Since his new bedroom only had him and Ron staying there, it was empty until we came in. I stood a few meters away from his bed, looking around as he closed the door.

I felt him walk closer and closer towards me until his breath was on the back of my neck.

He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, gripping slightly with his fingers and whispered in my ear.

"You looked gorgeous tonight," he muttered seductively in my ear, my breath hitching in the back of my throat.

He moved my cardigan slightly off my body and kissed my shoulder before running his fingers up my waist and over my shoulder. He moved the hand that was in the back of my neck, placing it softly on the small fo my back. He lived his right hand to wrap it around the front of my neck, choking me slightly. His breath fanning my neck as he pressed his body against my back, digging his hips into me.

"Harry," I whispered and he leant down, starting to suck on my neck. I let out a small moan and his kissed got rougher. He used his left hand to wrap around my waist and twist me around rapidly to face him. He kissed me passionately, me stumbling back towards the bed. I cupped his face in my hands and he took his blazer off, throwing it on the floor, not braking the kiss once.

After we'd finished, he picked up all our clothes and placed them on the chair of his desk. He crawled back into bed and pulled the covers over us. I cuddled up against him, his body radiating heat and smiled happy. We talked for a while until Ron came upstairs to bed. Then we both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.


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