Chapter 11 : House Cup

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Harry was in the infirmary for a couple days. We always went up to check on him and see if he was awake. He had chocolates, sweets and get well cards piled up across the bottom of his bed.

"Do you think he'll mind if I have one of these?" Ron asked and held up a chocolate frog. I giggled and shook my head, "no I don't think he will."

Ron, Hermione and I were talking on the hallway the next day. We heard footsteps and turned towards the noise. Harry was stood there, smiling up at us. We beamed at him and he stopped in his tracks. "Alright there Ron?" He asked. "Alright you?" Ron responded and Harry shrugged, "alright. Hermione?"

She beamed even brighter and giggled, "never better."

"Elizabeth?" He turned to me and I giggled, running down the stairs. I jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. "I'm glad your not dead," I giggled and he laughed. "Me too," he responded and Hermione and Ron started walking down the stairs to join us. "That means I'm not naming one of my children after you," I groaned and we both laughed. "Oh bummer," he joked and I giggled even more.

Later that day, we were sat in the Great Hall for the end of term feast. Slytherin banners were hung above us to congratulate them on winning the house cup. All the Gryffindors were miserable since we had lost. However, I was still stuffing my face with turkey and mash with beautiful gravy on top. Dumbledore raised his glass, tapping it with a small spoon to gain our attention.

"Another year gone," he began his speech, "and now as I understand it the house cup needs awarded. And the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points. Third place Hufflepuff with 352 points. Second place, raven claw with 426 points. And in first place with 472 points, Slytherin house."

Everyone clapped and everyone on Gryffindor looked depressed. I sighed and crosse my arms on the table, resting my head on my arms.

"Yes, yes well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin however," Dumbledore continued, "recent events must be taken into account."

I tilted my head to face Dumbledore and people around me whispered. We wondered what he was talking about.

"I have a few last minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger for the cool use of intellect, while others were in grave peril, fifty points."

I hugged Hermione. "Well done Hermione," I congratulated her and everyone clapped.

"Second to Mr Ronald Weasley. For the best played game of chess, that Hogwarts has seen these many years, fifty points."

Ron beamed in shock and we all clapped for him.

"Third to Miss Elizabeth Bennet. for having pure determination, and not giving up at any costs. I award Gryffindor fifty points."

My eyes widened in shock and Hermione hugged me. Harry smiled and nodded at me and I blushed.

"And forth to Mr Harry Potter, for pure love and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor house sixty points."

Everyone clapped for Harry. I was so proud of him for facing Professor Quirrel down in the dungeon. Yes not Snape. I know.

"Finally it takes a great deal to stand up to your enemies and a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award ten points to Neville Longbottom."

We all clapped the hardest for Neville. He looked as though he had been given quite a shock. Yet he looked to be proud of himself.

"Assuming that my calculations are correct," Dumbledore smiled, "I believe a change in decoration is in order."

He clapped his hands together once and the Slytherins banners that hung above us, immediately changed to Gryffindor banners.

"Gryffindor wins the house cup," Dumbledore announced and we all cheered and clapped. We shook hands with the older years to congratulate us on winning points for our house and I hugged Fred and George.

Percy went to shake my hand but I rolled my eyes and hugged him. He hesitated but hugged me back. Percy always took care of me. Considering he was best friends with my brother, he took it upon himself to do that.

We all threw our hats in the air in celebration and had an amazing mood boost. We won the house cup! Yay!

The next day, we all packed our luggage and rode down in the carriages to get to the train. It felt weird going home. I mean, I miss my parents, but I'll miss my friends. We've all promised to write this summer and me and Hermione have arranged a sleepover during the summer too. I was so excited.

We were about to get on and Harry stopped. "Come on Harry," I nodded towards the train and he stopped. "One second," he smiled and walked over to Hagrid.

While he was saying goodbye to Hagrid I figured this would be a perfect time to give Hermione my present. Yes, I got Hermione a present. Well it's not really a present. I already had it. But it's to help with problem.

"Hermione," I beamed and she turned to me, smiling.

I have something for you," I smirked and pulled a small purple gift bag out from behind me. She smiled and took it from me. "Thank you," she smiled, "but I didn't get you anything."

"Oh no it's erm," I chuckled, "to help with your hair problem. It works so you need to try it."

She opened the gift bag and took out one of the bottles. "Bed head?" She chuckled and I started to laugh. "It's a shampoo and conditioner. I use it. And it really, really works. And it's a pink bottle and who doesn't love pink?" I giggled and she laughed, putting the bottle back in the bag. "Thank you," she beamed and I hugged her. "You welcome."

We steeped in the train and waited for Harry. Ron was also waiting with us. As he approached us again I waved at Hagrid and turned back to Harry. "It feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?" I wondered and Harry smiled.

He looked back at Hagrid and sighed, "I'm not going home, not really."

Sorry it's short. But it's all I needed to write.

End of first year...

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