Chapter 8 : Imortal?

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"Wake up Liz," I heard a voice whisper and I was shaken awake. "Lizzie wake up!" He spoke a little louder and I groaned turning over to face him.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes and opened them slightly. "Harry?" I moaned and sat up, "what is it?"

"Lizzie there's something you need to see," he rushed and threw the covers off me, "now come on!"

He dragged me out of bed, me still half asleep and having no idea what's going on. He threw the cloak over us and grabbed my hand, rushing us through the castle. We stopped at a large oak door and walked in throwing the cloak off after.

"Come on its my parents," he panted and I looked at him with wide eyes. "What?" I shrieked and he pulled me towards a large mirror.

It was gold and more than twice the size of us. It had engraved writing along the top and plant designs on the bottom and sides. I looked into the mirror and saw me and Harry stood in front, our hands still connected from him dragging me. I didn't let go though, and neither did he.

"I only see us," I told him, confused and he moved out of the mirror's vision.

"Here, take a better look," he said pulling me to stand in the middle of the mirror, "stand there."

I looked into the mirror and a figure appears next to me. He was tall, around 11 years old, light brown hair and hazel-blue eyes, the exact same as mine.

"Nathan," I whispered and Harry looked at me weird. "What?" He asked confused, "you mean you don't see-"

"I see my brother," I cut him off and a tear dropped down my face. There was a long silence after that.

I know it's been almost five years since he died but standing here seeing him, life size, staring at me. I felt like balling my eyes out. The pain of seeing my own brother dead on the floor came rushing back. He was smirking and he rested his elbow on my shoulder.

I looked down at my elbow but he wasn't there, not in real life. I could see Harry was about to say something but I interrupted. "Harry do you think this mirror shows us our dead loved ones?" I asked wiping away the tear in my cheek.

He shrugged, "I don't know."

"We'll show Ron tomorrow," I affirmed, "see what he see's." Harry nodded and we headed back to the common room.

And that's exactly what we did. The next day, after curfew, the three of us got under the cloak and made our way to the room with the mirror.

Ron stood in the mirror and gasped. "What do you see?" I asked and a huge smile spread across his face.

"That's me," he beamed, "only I'm head boy. And bloody hell, I'm quidditch captain too. I look good."

I stared at him, me drawing my eyebrows together. I was so confused, and it looked as though Harry was too. He had the exact same expression on his face.

"Guys, do you think this mirror shows the future?" He asked, still checking himself out in the mirror.

"How can it?" Harry muttered, "both my parents and her brother are all dead."

Almost every night Harry would go and sneak to the room with the mirror so he could see his parents. I stayed in the common room though. As much as I wanted to see my brother again, it just hurt too much.

About a week later Harry told me that Professor Dumbledore had moved the mirror so no one could find it. He also found out what the mirror actually does. As Professor Dumbledore stated, "it shows us our hearts deepest desires."

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