Chapter 50 : Gillyweed

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When Hermione and Ron left the Library, I looked up at Harry and he shrugged. We started to collect our things when Moody spoke again.

"Longbottom," he shouted and Neville appeared from around the corner, "why don't you help Mr and Mrs Potter put their books back."

I looked up at him shocked and then he walked away.

"Did he just call me Mrs Potter?" I questioned turning to face Harry.

He had the same shocked face on that I did.

"I think so yeah," he chuckled and then smirked at me, "has a bit of a ring to it don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and we continued to pack our things, Neville helping out with putting our books back.

"You know if your into plants, you should try reading Neershooks guide to Herbology," he advised me as I passed him a pile of books, "Did you know that there's a wizard in napaul who's growing gravity resistant trees-"

"Neville," I stopped him, raising my voice a little, "no offence but I really don't care about plants."

I was really annoyed to be honest. Me and Harry are gunna drown and Neville's raving about gravity resistant trees.

"Not unless there a Tibetan turnip," I continued, "that will help us breath underwater for an hour then great."

I sighed and grabbed some more books. Why did Hermione have to get so many books out!

"Well I don't know about a turnip, but you always use gillyweed," he smiled and Harry and I both shot our heads at him.

"What?" Harry muttered.

"Gillyweed," he repeated, "it's a magical plant."

A smile of shock and thankfulness appeared in my face as I grabbed my bag, Harry grabbing his.

"Your coming with us," I ordered, grabbing Nevilles arm and the three of us left the Library.

We managed to get two tails of gillyweed in time. Neville helped us with all that which I was very thankful for. We definitely owe him one.

Harry and I had to change into something to swim in, since we were going into the black lake. I changed into a purple bikini and put my tournament t-shirt on over it.

I couldn't see Hermione anywhere though

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I couldn't see Hermione anywhere though. She wasn't in our room. She wasn't in the common room or the library. The library is her natural habitat. I can't believe I couldn't find her there.

Neville, Harry and I are now walking along the dock in front of the black lake. We were about to take the boats out to the platform.

Harry Neville and I looked so sketchy I swear. It looked like we were dealing drugs or something. But we weren't. Well Neville was dealing Gillyweed.

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