Chapter 45 : Ferret Boy

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About a week later, Harry, Neville and I were sat on the river bank of the black lake. I sat under a large autumn tree, Harry beside me. The scenery around us was beautiful. Crunchy leaves set beneath us and the trees were covered in red and the orange. Neville was in the edge of the lake examining water plants. He had a small, glass jar and a Herbology book with him that Moody had given him. He had just caught something from the water and seemed rather taken at back.

"Amazing," Neville gasped at the jar in his hands, "amazing-" I cut him off as I had had enough of him doing this. "Neville, your doing it again," I snapped and he looked down. "Oh, sorry," he replied.

I rested my head on Harry's shoulder, looking out at the black lake. Harry picked Neville's look up from bedside him and opened it.

"Mediterranean Water-Plants from The Highland Locks?" Harry read out the title of the book.

"Moody gave it to me," Neville explained, "that day we had tea."

We soon heard leaves crunching near us and  Harry looked up. I followed his gaze to see Hermione, Ron and Ginny coming towards us. We both got up and walked towards them. They stopped a few feet away from us and Ron whispered something to Hermione.

She walked closer to us and sighed. "Ronald would like me to tell you," she huffed, "that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Pavarti that Hagrid's looking for you both."

"Is that so, well-" Harry began but stopped confused, "what?"

"Erm.." Hermione huffed and turned back around to Ron. They exchanged a few words before Hermione came back over to us.

"Dean was told by Pavarti that-" she mumbled, "please make me say it again. Hagrid's looking for you both."

"Well then you can tell Ronald," I snapped and she turned around yelling at us.

"I'm not an owl."

Okay, first time I've been scared of Hermione.

Note to self : Hermione is not an owl.

That night Harry woke me up past curfew, so we could go meet Hagrid. He told us to meet up with him at his hut so he could show us something important.

I kept the same outfit I had on today so Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak before we both snook out the common room. We met Hagrid outside his hut and followed him through the forbidden forrest.

"Hagrid whats with the flower?" I asked, reaching up to fiddle with the dead, red flower pinned to his jacket. He batted my hand away and I chuckled.

"Hagrid have you combed your hair?" Harry asked. We were both wondering why Hagrid had taken such an extent to look nice.

"As a matter of fact I have," he answered. "Why?" I giggled and Harry laughed along with me.
"Just thought I'd change things up now and again." Hagrid grumbled, hinting for us to drop it.

Me and Harry looked at each other and laughed. We heard a foreign voice come from behind the bushes and Hagrid badgered us to put the cloak on.

Madam Olympe Maxime. The headmistress of Bauxbuttons Accademy. I'm still always amazed by how tall she is every time I see her. She's taller than Hagrid, and he's tall. Her and Hagrid flirted for a while and me and Harry had disgusted looks on our faces. It was weird to see Hagrid like that.

We stepped a little closer to where they were and saw something that we never thought we'd see. Four huge cages were gathered together in a field.

Once Madam Maxime wondered off to get a closer look we approached the gateway a bit more, where Hagrid was stood. A huge ball of fire flew out in front of us and I gasped, grabbing onto Harry's arm for comfort.

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