Chapter 31 : I'll stay

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About a month later we had our first trip to Hogsmeade. The trip was tomorrow and we had just finished our lessons for the week.

"So are you guys going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" I asked my three friends as we walked through the corridors, on our way to the Gryffindor common room.

"Yes," Hermione and Ron answered, excitedly and Harry frowned. "No," he muttered and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Why?" I asked, moving to walk next to him. "Cause I don't have my permission slip signed," he sighed and we all entered through the fat lady painting, saying the password beforehand.

"Why don't you ask McGonagall to sign it?" Ron suggested, "after all you don't really have parents that can sign it."

"Wow Ron, you just outed him like that," I thought, chuckling quietly to myself.

Hermione elbowed him in the chest and gave him 'the look'. "No that's actually a good idea," I agreed.

"Yeah sure, I'll ask her tomorrow," he smiled as we sat down on the red velvet sofa, talking about the up and coming weekend.

The next day when I got up, I got dressed in some black knee ripped skinny jeans and a plain grey hoodie. I layered a light wash jean jacket over it and put on my white trainers.

I brushed through my hair and did my usual day makeup before Hermione and I met the boys downstairs.

We walked down to the courtyard with a bunch of other students, me creating small talk with Harry as we made our way down there. We were all ordered to pass Filch our permission slips before we could go down to the village.

"Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade are a privilege," McGonagall began, "should your behaviour reflect poorly in the school in any way that privilege shall not be extended again."

I approached Filch, who now has a collection of students permission slips. I passed him my slip and smiled before joining Hermione and Ron again.

Harry ran up to Professor McGonagall but before he could ask her to sign it, she spoke to him first.

"No permission form signed, no visiting the village, that's the rule Potter," she demurred and attempted to walk away.

"All those with permission follow me," Filch grumbled, "those without stay put."

Harry ran around to be back in front of McGonagall and the three of us waited for him near the fountain.

"No but, Professor I thought that if you signed it then-" he rushed but McGonagall cut in.

"I can't, only a parent or a guardian can sign, since I am neither it would be inappropriate," she insisted and walked away.

She then turned around and gave him a sad look, "I'm sorry Potter, but that's my final word."

We gave him a sad smile as McGonagall walked away with Filch and the other students.

"Just forget about it guys," Harry sighed, turning around, "I'll see you later."

"Wait here guys, just give me a sec," I smiled and they nodded, continuing to wait by the fountain.

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