Chapter 68 : Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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Once Harry and I had brought our stuff up to Ron's room, the four of us sat in a circle, in his room, catching up. There was a table in the middle of us with a flame hovering to give us light. Harry was sat, leaning against the bed and I was at the side next to him with Hermione next to me, opposite Harry. Then Ron was sat between Hermione and Ron, me opposite him.

"So when did you get here?" Harry asked Hermione.

"Few days ago," she answered, "though for a while I weren't sure that I was coming."

Ron sighed and looked up at us.

"Mum sort of lost it last week," he began, "said that Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts, that it was too dangerous."

"Oh come on," Harry groaned.

"She's not alone," Hermione raised her voice a little, "even my parents, their muggles, know something bad is happening."

"My Nona's completely bonkers so she had absolutely no idea what's going on," I joked Hermione and I slightly chuckling.

"Anyway," Ron alerted the conversation back to him, "dad stepped in, told her she was being barmy and, took a few days but she came round."

"But, this is Hogwarts we're talking about," Harry muttered, "it's Dumbledore, what could be safer?" Hermione, Ron and I looked at each other with uneasy faces.

"There's been a lot of talk recently that," I sighed, "Dumbledore's got a bit old."

"Rubbish!" He yelled, "He's only.........what is he?"

"Hundred and fifty?" Ron guessed, "Give or take a few years."

The four of us immediately burst out laughing at Ron's half joke. It was moments like these that I wished I could stay in. Where it was just me and my friends, laughing and joking around.

Soon, Hermione and I went to bed. I changed into one of Harry's shirts and kept my underwear on and brushed my teeth, keeping the braid in my hair and taking off my makeup. I climbed into the air bed on Ginnys bedroom floor. The girls all said goodnight and we went to sleep. I couldn't sleep that night though. I kept thinking about my old life. A before Hogwarts. Or more precisely the house I used to live in. And how much that other house reminded me of it. I looked over at Ginny's clock, 1:56am. I sighed and crawled out of bed, making my way out. I snook into Ron's room as quiet as I could and tiptoed over to the bed Harry was staying in.

"Harry," I whispered. He mumbled something and pulled the covers up a little. I climbed in and cuddled up to him, snuggling my face into his neck. "I couldn't sleep," I mumbled. "Yeah I could tell," he muttered and kissed my head lightly. I sighed and hugged him tighter. "I love you," I mumbled into his skin and he chuckled slightly. "I love you too," he mumbled, still half asleep.

The next day, we were going to Diagon alley. We needed a few more things for the school year, and we were going to look at Fred and George's new joke shop that they successfully opened just a few moths ago.

I snook back into Ginny's room before everyone woke up and brushed my teeth, taking a quick shower too. I dried my hair and did my everyday makeup before straightening my hair and making my way over to my trunk. The girls were now awake and Ginny went in to use the bathroom next. I got changed in the same outfit I wore yesterday and sprayed some perfume.

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