Chapter 82 : The New Ministry

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We had finally hatched a plan. We found a secure location: an old storage room under a large brick building. Ron watched as four ministry workers approached us; two men and two women. He gave Harry a thumbs up before running down the road. Harry hid round the corner as he shot them all with a spell to knock them out. Ron then helped him carry them all inside.

For the past week, I had been using what I could to brew Polyjuice potion as fast as possible and it was now ready. Hermione grabbed a hair from each worker and popped them in each bottle.

"Right," she began, "Remember what we said. Don't my speak to anyone unless completely necessary. Just try and act normal, do what everyone else is doing. If we do that then with a bit of luck we'll get inside. Then.."

"It gets really tricky," I added. "Right," she nodded as she walked to stand between Ron and I.

"This is completely mental," Harry chuckled slightly. "Completely," Hermione agreed "Worlds mental," Ron gulped.

"Definitely," I mumbled. Ron took a deep breath, "Come on, we've got a horcrux to find."

"Cheers," I smirked, a moment of déjà vu hitting my mind, and we all clincked glasses before drinking every last drop of the potion, all of us immediately began to change. We all put their outfits on to complete the look.

(This is Lizzie's outfit)

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(This is Lizzie's outfit)

We all made our way outside and down the street, doing our best to act normal. Hermione and I made our way to the Ladies restroom while the boys made their way to the Gentleman's.

My best friend and I walked into a stall each. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I stood inside the dirty toilet and flushed myself down, appearing instantly in the ministry fires.

Hermione was in the fireplace next to me and we linked arms, sticking to each other's sides as we walked down through the crowd of people. A tall white statue stood in the middle and I gulped at what I saw. Muggles. All turned to stone and crushed together, being squashed by the rock above them.

"Are those?" Harry's voice spoke from beside me and I turned to see the man he had turned into. "Muggles," I mumbled, "In there 'rightful place'."

"Tell you," Ron murmured as he appeared next to the three of us, "I'm starting to freak out a bit." Harry turned to me and asked, "how long did you say this batch of Polyjuice Potion would last Lizzie?" I took a deep breath and gulped before answering.

"I didnt..."

The four of us made our way through the ministry, trying to act as normal as possible. We reached the elevator and made our way inside, however before the door could close, a blonde man walked up to us, stopping the door. He looked to be of importance, considering how he spoke.

I gulped. "Cattermole," the man spoke intensely, "it's still raining in my office." Hermione stood closer to me as Ron spoke with the head of department.

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