Chapter 89 : Voldemort

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Harry and I were making our way down to the hall, Harry of course holding my hand as we made our way through the castleS it was the worst kind of nostalgia to remember things that had happened in the hall since full of life, considering the entire castle now held a resemblance closer to that of a prison than anything else. The tension only grew the closer to the great hall they got but, despite that, I didn't find myself feeling nervous. I was just asking among some of the best Wizards and Witches I knew and, though perhaps it was based on naivety, I was confident. We had to win.

As soon as the door to the hall was in sight, though, my heart began to beat faster in my chest. Harry, however, seemed confident as he approached the doors, giving the others a nod before pushing the doors open and striding in to the great hall, our hands still interlocked at his side.

Now then, if anyone has any information on Mister Potter's movements this evening, I invite them to step," the unmistakable low drawl of Snape's Voice could be heard echoing around the room. As soon as he'd finished talking, Harry let go of my hand, making his way out from the group of students.

Loud gasps echoed around the hall, which was considerably emptier considering that Snape had removed the chairs, forcing students to stand in four groups, each corresponding to their houses. It hardly even looked like some sort of military meeting. Everyone, including the staff, turned to look to Harry as he appeared between the groups of students, many with a foreign feeling of hope lifting up their worn down features.

Snape however, has the absolute opposite expression on his face. He had pales as soon as he saw Harry, a hint of fear swimming through his dark eyes. Though it had only been a year sinc I had last seen Snape, he seemed to had ages at least five, stress wrinkled having made a home on his forehead and around the edges of his sunken eyes. It seemed slightly satisfying for Harry to see Snape scared of his arrival, especially after the many tears of hardships that the teacher had put him through.

"It seems that despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you've still got a bit of a security problem headmaster," Harry spoke, glaring at the man in front of him as he did so. More eyes had tourney to the door as the Order entered, lead my Kingsley. I made my way out from the crowd of Gryffindors, standing beside Harry, my hand tightly linked with his. "It's quite extensive."

Snape seemed as though he was frozen to the spot in shock, not yet having made a move as Harry berated him. "How dare you stand where he stood. Tel them how it happened that night! How you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!"

As Harry's speech progressed, his voice raised to a furious yell that I had never heard from him before, like a wounded animal finally lashing out. Something about touching upon the subject of Dumbledore seemed to strike a nerve with Snape who, in a swift moment, pulled his wand from his robes and pointed it towards Harry.

The students in the hall quickly broke the formation they were stood in and rushed to either side of the hall to be against the walls, nobody wanted to put themselves between the imminent duel. Harry gently pushed me behind him, blocking me from any spells that flew our way.

Every member of the Order drew their wands, blocking the doorway leaves Snape with no room to escape, we'd hoped that if Snape felt trapped he'd give in.

Harry had only just about managed to get his wand out of his robes when he was pushed to the side, almost knocking me over as Professor McGonagall proudly took his place. It was clear that McGonagall had been waiting quite a while for the opportunity to stand up to Snape, her wand pointed at him with a stance even the most professional duellers couldn't fault and, despite the serious expression on her face, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

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