Chapter 17 : Kill

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I eventually got to detention and opened the door to see Professor Lockhart at his desk and Harry beside him.

"Sorry I'm late Professor," I apologised as I shut the door behind me, "I fell asleep."

"Not to worry Miss Bennet, please have a seat," he insisted and I sat down next to Harry. He told us that we were going to answer his fan mail. He signed the pictures and we put them into envelopes. We were there for hours. I was bored out of my mind.

"Could you guys possibly think of a better way to serve detention, than by helping me to answer my fan mail?" Lockhart chuckled.

"Not really," Harry muttered.

"Fame is a fickle friend you know," Lockhart continued, "celebrity is as celebrity does, remember that."

I sealed my last envolope and put it on the pile.  I sighed and leant back in my chair, closing my eyes.

"What?" Harry whispered and Lockhart and I both looked at him.

"Sorry what was that Harry?" Lockhart asked and Harry looked at us both confused. "That voice," Harry mumbled again. "What voice?" I asked and he sighed. "Didn't you hear it?" Harry asked and I shook my head. "What are you talking about Harry?" Lockhart asked, confused, "I think your getting a bit erm - drowsy," Lockhart chuckled, "and great scod no wonder look at the time. We've been here nearly for hours. Spooky how the time flies when ones having fun."

He chuckled and looked up weirdly. "Spooky," Harry copied and then stood up. I followed and we exited the classroom.

We were on our way to the Great Hall to see if food was still being served and I was talking to Harry about random stuff. Harry wasn't really paying attention though.

Suddenly Harry stopped and I bumped into him. "What is it Harry?" I asked and he walked over to the wall, pressing his ear against it. "Come with me," he ordered and grabbed my hand. "What's going on Harry?" I asked but he just kept dragging me along.

We got to the end of the corridor and were thankfully greeted by Ron and Hermione.

"Harry, Lizzie," Hermione sighed in relief.

"Didn't you hear it?" Harry asked. "Hear what?" Ron asked and I shrugged.

"That voice," Harry added. "Voice, what voice?" Hermione asked and Harry looked around.

"I heard it first in Lockhart office," he explained, "and then again just-" he paused, "-it's moving. I think it's going to kill."

"Kill?" Ron and I repeated and Harry ran off, still holding my hand and dragging me along.

"Harry wait," Hermione called, "not so fast."

We ran through the corridors until we reached a dead end. The floor was covered in water. We walked along and then Harry stopped us. He was looking down. I followed his gaze and there was a long line of spiders running up the wall. And out a Brocken window.

"Strange, I've never seen spiders act like that," Harry muttered and I gulped.

"I don't like spiders," Ron and I wined and Hermione rolled her eyes at us.

I turned around and saw something in the water. It was a reflection. "What's that?" I asked and we all looked up.

"The chamber of secrets had been opened, enemies of the heir beware..." Hermione read the words written on the wall. "It's written in blood," I cringed and Harry gasped. "Oh no," he muttered and walked closer to it.

I looked up and saw Filch's cat hanging form the ceiling. "It's Filch's cat," Harry gasped. "It's Mrs Norris," I added.

I heard footsteps and we all turned around to see many students crowding around. I looked to the other side and a bunch of Slytherins were crowding around too.

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