Chapter 80 : Obliviate

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Beginning of Seventh Year...

So a lots happened over the summer. Let me catch you up to speed.

We all attended Dumbledore's funeral. It was very hard on us all. Harry cried the most. I met up with him a few times during the summer and we also owled back and forth. He seamed to be getting a little better but you could never be a hundred percent sure.

Hermione and I had a sleepover. It was probably the highlight of my summer. Even my birthday wasn't that great. Yeah, I'm of age now where I don't need to be tracked by the ministry and what not but I don't feel any different. My Nona tried cheering me up and she bought me a bunch of clothes. I tried to act happy and I'm pretty sure she bought it. I just wasn't really in the mood to be excited about birthday presents anymore.

Even though I'm not being tracked by the ministry, I always feel like I'm being tracked by someone else. That someone else being you know who. I feel like he could be tracking my every move. Since we're all close to Harry he could be. I stayed up all night one time thinking about it. He could have little notebook with our names on, writing down everything. And truth be told, it scared me. In fact, it terrified me to no extent.

My dad moved in with Nona and I. That was by far one of the biggest changes. Something seamed different about him. Something that I just couldn't put my finger on. He kept disappearing every now and then. He said he was going to work but there'd be times when he wouldn't return for days. And there'd be other times when he wouldn't go to work for like a week and then randomly return back. And the thing is, he wouldn't tell us what his job was, at least he wouldn't tell me. When he was out, I'd try and ask my Nona but she didn't know either.

One day I'd had enough of it. So when he left for work, I searched his bedroom. For something, anything that could stop him hiding secrets. But I couldn't find anything. I looked for hours and found nothing.

I sat on the foot of his bed, my feet barely touching the floor. I sighed and laid back. This was hopeless. What could my dad be hiding? I tried to convince myself that it was all in my head. That his behaviour was normal. That maybe the reason why I couldn't find anything was because there was nothing to find. I sat back up, swinging my legs back and forth, until I heard a bang. It wasn't loud. But It wasn't quiet either.

I swung my leg back again and the noise sounded again as I hit my foot on something hard. "Oh my god," I mumbled and stood up, crouching down to look under the bed. But there was nothing there. I'd sworn I checked under his bed and nothing was there. But maybe he used magic?

I reached out to under his bed, and funnily enough, my hand hit something. It was invisible. I chuckled in disbelief.

"I need my wand," I mumbled to myself and stood up as fast as I could, running to the door. As soon as I opened it, I was greeted by none other than my dad. My heart dropped.

"Elizabeth. What are you doing in my room?" He asked, his parental voice coming out.

"Think Lizzie, think," I thought to myself, "just say something, anything."

"Erm-" I mumbled, "I was l-looking for money."

His eyebrows furrowed, "why?"

"C-cause I'm a teenager, I don't have any," I blurted and he thought for a second. "Okay," he muttered and dug his hand into his pocket. He pulled out a fifty pound note and handed to me, "here. Now get out of my room."

"Erm - thanks," I chuckled nervously and ran over to my room, shutting the door behind me. That was close.

I put the Muggle money in my jeans pocket, slowly walking over to sit on my bed. I'd have to try again another day. How did my life get to this? I thought about what my life used to be like...

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