Chapter 44 : Rita Skeeter

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"They are both, from this moment on," Barty fretted, "Triwizard Champions."

I couldn't sleep that night. I tossed and turned for hours on end. Hermione was annoyed at me for "not telling her I was entering the tournament" even though I didn't enter. She doesn't believe me.

How did my name even get in that cup. How did Harry's? I mean yeah he's the boy who lived so it's kind of obvious why someone would want his name in that goblet. I don't know who though. And who would put my name in the goblet? I'm just an average witch. Yeah I'm Harry Potters girlfriend but so what.

I huffed and sat up out of bed. I put on the hoodie that was on the floor. It was Harry's plain grey one. It seems like all I wear these days are Harry's hoodies.

I put it on over my shorts and t-shirt and made my way downstairs to the common room. When I got there I saw a figure sat on the couch. I immediately recognised it as Harry. He was sat with his head in his hands.

He only had some navy blue joggers on which made me blush a little when I saw his slightly formed abs.

"Harry," I spoke softly and he looked up.

"Lizzie," he whispered, "are you okay?"

"Can't sleep," I answered as I walked over to the couch and sat beside him.

"Me neither."

I looked into the warm fire and sighed. How have we got into this mess.

I felt his hand tuck my hair behind my ear and I turned to him. He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"I'm sorry," he sighed.

"For what?"

Hermione's POV

I heard the door shut and immediately woke up. When I looked over at Lizzie bed it was empty, which meant she was the one who had left.

I slowly snook out of bed and followed her cautiously down the stairs into the common room.

I stopped near the bottom of the stairs to listen in.
"I'm sorry," a deep voice sighed.

"For what?" A higher pitched voice asked softly.

"I've got you into this mess. It's my fault," the draper voice huffed.

That's Harry.

"I always get dragged into this kind of stuff and now your in it with me," he muttered.

"No, Harry it's not your fault," Elizabeth spoke softly, "we don't know who put our names in the goblet."

I peaked around the corner just enough to see what they were doing but so they couldn't see me.

Harry was sat on the sofa, with Liz next to him. Harry didn't have a shirt in which I was confused about. It looked like Lizzie didn't have any pants on either, which made me a little suspicious.

Harry tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and brought her into a tight embrace.

"I'm scared Harry," she mumbled into his chest and Harry rubbed her back.

"Me too."

Lizzie's POV

I eventually ended up falling asleep once I got upstairs. I don't know how, but that talk with Harry sort of calmed me a little.

I only ended up getting a few hours of sleep though because I woke up at five in the morning. Jeez.

I decide to write to my father. See how he's doing and tell him what's happened. I gathered everything and climbed under the covers, lighting the top of my wand.

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