Chapter 21 : Its What You Have Done.

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We ran up to the second floor bathroom as quick as we could, making sure not to get caught by Filch or Percy.

By the time we got to the bathroom I had now fully changed back to myself. So had the boys.

We ran into the bathroom shouting for Hermione. "Hermione, Hermione!" We yelled and I knocked on her stall door. "Hermione come out we've got loads to tell you," Harry shouted.

"Go away!" She ordered and we looked at each other confused.

Moaning Myrtle came out and started giggling.

"Wait till you see," she giggled, "it's awful." She flew away laughing and I knocked on the door again. "Hermione," I spoke softly.

"Mione are you okay?" Harry asked and I opened the door. "Do you remember me telling you, that Polyjuice potion was only for human transformations?" Hermione started to explain and Harry took his glasses out of his pocket, putting them back in his face, "It was cat hairs that I pulled off Millicent Bulstrode's robes."

She turned around slowly, revealing her face. "Look at my face," she sighed and we all stared at her a shocked.

Hermione's face had transformed into a cat.
"Look at your tail," Ron chuckled sweetly.

Hermione had gone to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey said she'd be back out in a few days.

It was was two days later, and I was sat in my room late at night. The other two girls were already asleep and I was bored so I decided to write to Tom.

'Hello Tom.'

'Hello Lizzie.'

'The weirdest thing happened yesterday.'

'Tell me what happened.'

'I had to kiss Draco Malfoy.'

'You kissed your sworn enemy?'

'Yes but I guess it technically wasn't me. I had drunk Polyjuice potion.'

I explained everything to Tom. He seamed really interested. I also told him about what happened to Hermione and how she's a cat.

'She'll be out of the hospital wing in a few days, when she stops coughing up fur balls.'

'Your funny Elizabeth. I really like you.'

I smiled. He's a really good friend, Tom. I wish he was a real person.

Suddenly I felt really dizzy. I closed my eyes and immediately blacked out.

"It's filches cat!"

"Enemies of the air beware."

"I blacked out, and woke up near the Hufflepuff common room."

"That's Justin Fletchy."

"Is their something you wish to tell me?"

"People actually think that he's the air of slytherin!"

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