Chapter 61: Christmas

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When Harry and I got back to the common room, he was still carrying me.

"Seriously Harry put me down," I giggled and he sat me down on the arm chair beside the couch. The blood that had rushed to my head started to make me feel lightheaded and dizzy.

We both chuckled and Ron spoke to us from the couch, "what took you guys so long?"

It was only him and Hermione in the common room which meant they were waiting for us to hang out. We normally stay up curfew in the common room since it's too early to go to bed and too late to go to the library or anything.

Harry sat down on the arm of the chair and we both looked at Ron and then at each other. I snickered and Harry burst about laughing, me doing the same after.

"You know what, forget I asked," Ron sighed, knowing dam well what we were going.

"I'll be back in a sec guys I just need to go to the loo," I smiled casually, getting up out of my seat and making my way upstairs to the dorms.

Harry's POV

When Lizzie made her way upstairs and I sat in the space I put her in before, adjusting myself to get comfortable.

"So how was it?" Ron asked me and I looked up at him.

"How was what?" I chuckled nervously.

"You know what I'm talking about," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and Hermione grumbled.

"Please, I do not wanna know about your sex life Harry," she groaned.

"I wasn't gunna tell you anyway and we didn't have sex it's was just you know......." I trialed off, not really wanting to elaborate.

"Anyway I'm not talking about that with you guys," I sighed and Ron leant closer to me.

"You gunna tell me later?" He whispered.

"You already know," I mumbled and he chuckled, leaning back against the sofa.

After a few seconds I heard footsteps coming back down the stairs, meaning Elizabeth was coming back down.

"You took my seat," she groaned as she walked over to me.

I patted my leg, signalling for her to sit in my lap and she did so, cuddling up to me. I put my arm round her and kissed her cheek.

The four of us sat there for a while, chatting. Hermione and Elizabeth had a really long conversation about how they need to study a lot since Umbridge is no help and they're going to fail there OWL's.

I looked over at her face. God she's gorgeous.
Just a few minutes ago she practically had her legs wrapped around my head and now she's just sat here casually talking with Hermione.

She readjusted her self and snuggled back down, continuing her conversation, changing the subject to other things. She readjusted her self again and I could feel my pants getting tighter.

Shit. Not now.

"No have you heard peoples pick up lines around the school," she chuckled, "I once heard this one girl say to this guy 'show me your wand and I'll show you my golden snitch' and I'm like what?!"

Her and Hermione burst out laughing, Ron chuckling too. I was just focused on not letting anyone notice the fact that I was totally being turned on my her just sat there.

She leaned down and nuzzled her head into my neck, still giggling.

"I can feel that you know," she whispered in my ear and pulled away, smirking weirdly.

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