Chapter 90 : The Battle of Hogwarts (Part 1)

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With Harry's hand in mine, we ran through the castle, dodging the other students who were also rushing through the halls. Prefects could be heard through the halls. Prefects could be heard yelling to the younger members of their houses, ordering them to stay close as they were lead out of the castle, safely away from imminent battle. Most older students had acted to stay at the castle, wanting to see the battle through.

It was truly as though the world had been turned upon its head, a place once viewed as a safe haven was about to become a battleground. Even though everyone knew that it was inevitable, that did nothing to stop the sobs coming from the youngest students or the fear in the eyes of the forth years who were trying to act touch, despite not knowing if they were going to make it through the night.

Soon enough we had caught up with Hermione and Ron, just as Hermione yelled for Harry's attention.

"Harry!" She called, stopping Harry from ascending the stairs that he was half way up. He turned to face our friends, coming back down the stairs to be stood in front of them, practically shaking from the adrenaline coursing through him. Though nothing meant more to Harry than his friends did, he was slightly preoccupied.

"Hermione and I were thinking, it doesn't matter if we find the horcrux-" Ron began, only to be cut off by a rather impatient Harry. Considering the small time limit that the group were in, for once so couldn't blame Harry for his impatience.

"What do you mean?"

"Unless we can destroy it," Ron finished his sentence, causing Harry to cringe. He had been so focused on simply finished the horcrux that it had completely slipped his mind that we had no way to destroy it, making him feel rather stupid. "So we were thinking-"

"Well, Ron was thinking. It was Ron's idea, it was completely brilliant," Hermione intercepted, praising Ron for his plan. No one failed to notice the light blush that made its way onto Ron's cheeks at her words.

"You destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a basilisk fang right? Well, me and Hermione know where we might find one." Ron explained, Harry nodded along with his words. Frankly, as long as they weren't holding Harry up, he wasn't particularly bothered about what Ron and Hermione's plans were. The only thing in his head was finding the horcrux, and the clock was quickly ticking.

"Okay, but take this so you can find us when you're back," Harry reached in to the pocket on the inside of his jacket and pulled out the Marauder's map, handing it to Hermione. "Where are you guys going?" Hemrione yelled causing Harry to turn back after attempting to walk away again.

"The Ravenclaw common room, gotta start somewhere," Harry yelled back, turning back around and dragging me along with him. The two of them nodded before running off, hand in hand.

Harry's intentions of going to the Ravenclaw common room were smart, however I had my own idea. "Harry wait!" I yelled over the noise

"Yeah?" He asked, seeming quite confused and concerned. "You can go to the Ravenclaw common room but I have another idea," I spoke, out of breath from all the running around and panicking.

"Okay, which is?" He asked, his eyebrows drawing together.

"If Hermione and Ron can't get a basilisk fang I have another idea. When Griphook took the sword of Gryffindor he died right? And the sword obviously would have disappeared so, I could get it back. From the hat, I just need to get into Snape's office," I explained as fast as I could. Harry looked around at the chaos for a few seconds before giving in.

"Okay, okay fine just be careful," he sighed bringing me into a tight hug.

"I will," I mumbled into his chest before pulling back and pressing a quick kiss on his lips. After we parted, he immediately pulled me back to a passionate kiss. I cupped his face, both of us pulling each other closer, desperate not to let each other go. We pulled away and I nodded, letting him know I'll be okay, before running off back down the stairs.

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