Chapter 33 : Broomstick

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I got to the library and sat down, placing my bag on the chair next to me. I placed my legs up on top of my bag and I let out a long breath before opening the letter from my dad.

Dear Elizabeth,

Something terrible has happened. Now I don't want to worry you but your mother is in the hospital. She has been diagnosed with a disease. Motor Neurone Disease. It is an uncommon condition but it is effecting you mother quite a lot. It affects the brain and nerves. It's nearly always fatal and is life threatening. The doctors say they don't know how long she has left.

Just in case, she wants you to know that she loves you so much. And she is so proud of you.

We will keep in touch Sweetheart,

- Father xx

"Oh my god," I whispered as tears ran down my face. I couldn't breath properly. My heart ached and tears were clogging my vision. My bottom lip quivered as I took my feet down from the chair beside me.

I placed the letter down in front of me and sniffled. I dropped my head into my hands and I let out a sob.

"Lizzie?" I heard a voice call and I looked up.

I saw Hermione standing there with a concerned look on her face. "Hermione," I sniffled and whipped my tears, "what are you doing here."

"I was going ask if you wanted to work on the assignment together," she spoke softly as she moved my bag form the seat and sat down, "what happened, what's wrong?"

I cleared my throat and sniffled again before taking a deal breath. "It's my mother," I answered, more tears falling, "she's been diagnosed with a disease. Motor Neurone Disease. It is an uncommon condition but it is effecting her a lot and It's nearly always fatal."

I began to cry even more and she wrapped her arms around me. I cried into her shoulder and she rubbed my back comfortingly.

"They don't know long she's got left," I cried but it didn't really sound like words. However for some reason she actually understood what I said.

She hugged me for a while before I pulled away and wiped my tears. "Okay," I sniffled and took a deal breath, "let's just work in the project."

"You know, I'm sure that Professor Snape will let you have a few extra days to complete it considering-" she explained but I cut her off.

"No, no I-I," I  took a deal breath to calm my self down, "I need to work on this, to keep my mind off it."

She nodded, not wanting to argue and opened her book. "Don't tell anyone," I sighed, "I don't want anyone to know just yet."

She nodded again, smiling softly and I opened my book to page 394.

We ended up finishing our assignment, and also found out some new juicy stuff about Professor Lupin. Well, it's a theory but it could be true.

The next day was the quidditch match so we all gathered in the stands to watch. It was raining a lot so we had to wrap up and put raincoats on.

As usual, before the match started, I went to go wish Harry good luck. "Harry," I called from around the corner and he ran over to me.

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