Chapter 14 : Welcome Home

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Hermione lead us both to Flourish and Blott's. We still had dust all over us and lots of people were staring at us. I spotted Mrs Weasley and ran over to her, dragging Harry behind me.

"Oh Lizzie! Harry," Molly sighed with relief, "oh my dears."

She patted us both down, attempting to remove some of the dust, and turned back around. "Please welcome Gilderoy Lockhart," a voice boomed from above us and a man stepped out.

He was a very tall and strapping man. He had strawberry blonde hair and a charming smile. He was an amazing and talented wizard too. Hermione and I both loved him.

We all clapped as he strolled out and a photographer emerged form the crowd. "Gilderoy, this is for the daily profit," the man beamed and took a picture of him.

Lockhart's charming smile soon turned into shock as he looked straight at me. "It cant be Harry Potter," Gilderoy gasped and I stepped aside form in front of Harry. "Harry Potter," the photographer gasped and grabbed him by the shirt throwing him at Lockhart.

"Big smile Harry," He chuckled and put and arm around my best friend, "together you and I will make the front page."

The photographer took another couple photos of Harry and Lockhart. Harry looked quite confused. After a few pictures were taken Lockhart spoke again. "When Harry first came into Flourish and Blott's this morning to purchase my autobiography 'Magical Me', he had no idea that he would be leaving with my entire collected works, free of charge," Gilderoy smiled again and Harry just looked at the books in his hands confused. The man took another picture just before Harry managed to escape Lockhart's grasp.

Harry walked away and gave Mrs Weasley the books so she could go get them signed. We all walked over to the doorway to exit. "Bet you loved that didn't you Potter?" A voice spat from the staircase, causing us to stop. It was none other than Draco Malfoy. He walked up to us, standing in front of us, scowling.

"Famous Harry Potter, can't even go to a book shop without making the front page," he snapped and I stepped forwards. "Leave him alone," I demanded and Draco smirked. "Oh look Potter," he mocked, "you've got yourself a girlfriend."

"Now, now Draco play nicely," a voice called from behind Draco and pushed him aside. The man was very tall and had long blonde hair, down to his shoulders, he wore a long black robe that looked like it costed about 100 galleons.

"Harry Potter," the man smirked, "Lucius Malfoy, we meet at last." He shook Harry's hand and then pulled him in closer. "Excuse me," he muttered, "but your scar is legendary, as of course is the wizard who gave it to you."

Harry stepped back form Draco's father and and stood next to me again. "Voldemort killed my parents," he scowled, "he is nothing more than a murderer."

Lucius scowled at Harry. "You must be very brave to speak his name," he muttered, "or very foolish."

"Fear of the name," Hermione interrupted, "only increases fear of the thing its self."

Lucius Malfoy stared daggers into Hermione's eyes. "And you must be Miss Granger," he smirked, "yes Draco's told me all about you. And your parents, muggles." He smirked again and turned to Ron. "Let me see, red hair, vacant expressions, tatty second hand book-" he took the book from Ginny's cauldron, "-you must be the Weasley's."

Mr Weasley came walking over to us and put his hand on his daughters shoulder. "Come on children, let's get outside, it's busy in here."

He looked up and saw Lucius, frowning at him. "Well, well Weasley Senior," Malfoy cracked and Arthur sighed. "Malfoy," he muttered and Lucius smirked. "I do hope their paying you overtime at the Ministry Arthur. All those extra raids and all. But judging my the state of this, I'd say not," Lucius insulted and my fists clenched. "What's so good about being a disgrace to the name of wizard, if they don't even pay you well enough for it?" He chuckled and my jaw clenched.

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