Chapter 13 : Floo Powder

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On the way back I fell asleep again on Harry's shoulder. When I woke up, he was asleep too with his head resting on the top of mine. It made me blush and Ron and the twins were smirking at me.

Once we landed back at the Burrow, it was daytime. We snook in through the door as quiet as we could. Fred, George and Ron grabbed a piece of bread from the table and I grabbed a green apple, taking a bite of it.

"It's not much," Ron muffled with his mouth full of bread, "but it's home." Harry looked around amazed. "I think it's brilliant," he gasped and I smiled.

Suddenly, we heard someone walk down the stairs and stop in front of us. It was Molly Weasley, shit. "Where have you been!?" She yelled and the four of us hid the food behind our backs. "Harry," she beamed and walked over to us, "how wonderfully is to see you."
"Beds empty," she continued yelling at her three boys, "no note, car gone, you could have died, you could have been seen."

"Well, of course I don't blame you Lizzie dear," she smiled and I moved my hand out from behind me, taking another bite of my apple.

"They were starving him mum," Ron wined, "there were bars on his window."

"Well you best hope I don't put bars on your window Ronald Weasley," she frowned and his eyes widened in shock.

"Come on you two," she smiled at Harry and I,  "time for a spot of breakfast."

We all gathered at the table and tucked in to some delicious scrambled eggs on toast. Soon Ginny come running down in her dressing gown. "Mum, mummy have you seen my jumper," she asked. "Yes dear it was on the cat," Molly replied and Ginny looked at Harry confused.

"Who are you?" She asked and Harry put his fork down on his plate. "Oh - erm - I'm Harry, Harry Potter," he smiled and she gasped.

"Oh," she grinned and looked at me, "is this the Harry that you-" but she cut herself off when I gave her the 'shut up' face.

I had gotten to know Ginny. We talked a lot yesterday and I may have told her that I kissed Harry last year so she needs to keep her mouth shut.

"Sorry," she chuckled, "it's nice to meet you Harry." And with that she ran upstairs to go find her jumper.

I looked back down at my food, taking a spoonful of beans and shoving them into my mouth. I could feel Harry's confused gaze on me but I tried to ignore it, to stop myself from blushing.

"Morning Weasley's," I heard someone call from the doorway. I turned to see Arthur Weasley entering the house. "What a night," he continued, "nine raids, nine."

"Raids?" Harry asked, clueless and Mr Weasley sat down in the end chair between me and Harry. "Dad works for the Ministry of Magic," Ron explained, "in the use of muggle artefacts office. Dad loves muggles thinks there fascinating."

Mrs Weasley put some food in front of Arthur and he began to tuck in. I continued eating until Mr Weasley was staring at me funnily. I looked up at him and he spoke. "And who might you two be?" He asked gesturing to both me and Harry.

"Oh," I smiled, "I'm Elizabeth sir, Elizabeth Bennet."

"Oh yes of course," he beamed, "Molly told me you would be staying with us. Your father works with me in the Ministry doesn't he?"

I nodded, "yes he does. In the same department too actually."

"Yes Bennet, I remember him alright. He talks about you all the time," he grinned and I continued eating my food with a smile on my face.

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