Chapter 88 : Gringotts

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Harry's POV

Lizzie, Ron, Hermione and I were all gathered around the kitchen, looking at what Liz was holding up in her slightly shaky hand. It was one of Bellatrix's hairs. Hermione had the idea to add it to Polyjuice potion in order to become Bellatrix and enter her faults the hair had been taken when Bellatrix was interrogating Lizzie back at Malfoy Manor.

"Are you sure it's hers?" Ron asked, leaning forwards to inspect the dark curly hair.

"Positive," Lizzie replied. Hermione had taken up the offer of becoming Bellatrix, after Liz's whole situation with her, which she was thankful for.

Liz had already put some makeup on Ron, as well as using a spell to change his face a little and make his hair brown. As well as that she put some facial hair on him to disguise him further. Although, if someone had known Ron really well, they would have been able to tell it was him, but it would be very unlikely someone would recognise him.

Lizzie and I were going under the invisibility cloak together. She did suggest to do the same as Ron but I didn't want to risk her being even slightly recognised, since a lot of people knew that she was my girlfriend anyway. Griphook was also going under the cloak with us on my back.

Hermione went over the plan again, just to make sure everyone knew what was going. Ron, Lizzie and I made our way outside and waited for Hermione to change into Bellatrix.

Once she was fully dressed, looking like Bellatrix in every way, her and Griphook made their way outside to meet us.

"Well?" she asked, once she'd approached the three of us. Lizzie was instantly uncomfortable. Noticing, I slowly interlocked her fingers with mine to comfort her. It wasn't like anyone could blame her, after being tortured by her for hours, she had a right to be terrified by the insane death eater.

"You look hideous," Ron commented, which is maybe the only time where that was actually a compliment.

"You can give that to Hermione to hold, alright Griphook?" I ordered. Hermione took her bottomless bag off of where it was attached to her hip, opening it in front of the goblin, who dropped the sword in.

"Let's do this," Ron sighed, taking a dead breath before holding his hand out. Lizzie placed her hand on top and I nodded, placing my free hand on top of hers. Hermione placed hers on mine and I turned to Griphook.

"We're relying on you, Griphook," I spoke as the goblin approached us, raising his small hand to place on top of ours, "if you get us past the guards and into the vault, the sword is yours."

Griphook nodded, placing his shaky hand on Hermione's, causing our group to disapperate.

We appeared seconds later, but this time there were stood in the dark tunnel in Diagon Alley. Diagon Alley was nothing like I'd remembered it. The cheery buzz of Wizards talking as they made their way out of the Leaky Cauldron, the children dragging their parents from shop to shop to collect things for Hogwarts and the transfers laughing as they caught up with friends was all gone. Any semblance of happiness was replaced with empty, lonesome streets, only inhabited by the occasional death eater who passed. Most of the shops that had we once been in were boarded shut, some with the windows smashed or without a door, burn marks me visible on the doorframes.

Hermione peered out of the small tunnel, gasping when someone saw her.

"Madam Lestrange," the man spoke with a gravely voice, bowing in her presence, sounding somewhat scared, but clearly not wishing to get on the bad side of Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Good morning," Hermione squeaked, sounding far more like herself than Bellatrix. As the Wizard walked off, Griphook scoffed.

"Good morning?" He asked, as if it was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard in his life, "good morning? Your Bellatrix Lestrange not some dewy-eyed school girl." The goblin snapped, surprisingly angry for such a small creature.

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