Chapter 67 : Coffee

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Beginning of Sixth Year...

So, a lot has happened over the summer. Let me catch you up to speed.

The sun has made my hair a brighter colour blonde and it's also grown a little longer. I'm still five foot and I'm not gunna grow. But I had my sixteenth birthday, yay!

My Nona decided to get me a Walkman for my birthday. It's this thing that you can listen to music on. It was made back in the 80's. She got me some black headphones with it and the actual Walkman is blue and silver. She got me a bunch of different music to play on it like, Super Freak by Rick James, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper, We Will Rock You by Queen and Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen.

I love the Band Queen so much, I even bought some more of their music. Like Under Pressure, Another One Bites the Dust, I want to break free, We are the champions and Bohemian Rhapsody. I even bought three different posters of the band and put them on my bedroom wall.

I visited my mothers grave. Turns out I had a lot to tell her. I told her about everything that happened with Voldemort and the department of Mysteries. I opened my heart out to her about Harry. I told her how much I love him and where we are in the relationship. I talked to her about everything. And it almost felt like she was talking back to me.

I had the 'talk' with my Nona. About Harry and stuff. Even though she's insane, she still cares about me obviously. She bought me some birth control which I was thankful for. Since the last time we had sex it was unprotected. So I had to have the morning after pill.

I went shopping and bought some more clothes and underwear and stuff. My boobs got a little bigger so I had to size up to a 30C. Which isn't that much bigger but it's a little bigger.

At the moment, I'm sat in my bed, listening to Queen music through my headphones and writing in my diary. I heard a tap on the window and I shot my head up, to see Hedwig sat on my outer window ledge. I smiled and made my way to the window letting her inside and stroking her feathers for a while before letting her fly away. Then, I opened Harry's letter.

Dear Lizzie,

So recently I've been going to the train station a lot. Just to have a coffee and watch the trains go by. It calms me a lot. I was wondering if you wanted to meet there. Maybe tomorrow? At the Treats Café. I haven't seen you in ages and I really miss you.

I've been thinking a lot about Sirius over the holidays. I'm slowly getting over my grief but I still miss him a lot and I just want to see you now.

I love you,
From Harry xx

I smiled at his letter. I'm glad to see he's getting over the death of his godfather. But Sirius was his only family, so I understand that he's still upset.

I grabbed a piece of parchment and began to write back to Harry.

Dear Harry,

I'm happy your feeling better. And he's always going to be in our hearts, you need to remember that. He was a good man.

Also, I would love to meet with you tomorrow. Is 3pm okay? Let me know and I'll see you tomorrow.

Bye, love you lots,
- Elizabeth, xx

I sent Oliver off with the letter and went back to my music. A little while later I received another owl form Harry, saying that 3pm was good and he couldn't wait to see me.

The next day, after lunch, I took a shower, blow dried my hair, did my makeup and braided my hair in a cute side braid before getting dressed and grabbing my bag, leaving the house.

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