Chapter 92 : The Battle of Hogwarts (Part 3)

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The school was sat in the great hall. Teachers and students crowded around all the dead bodies of our classmates. Ron and Hermione waiting in the great hall with them. I couldn't tell everyone about Harry. How he'd gone down to the forbidden forest to meet with Voldemort. I guess it's because part of me hoped that he would still be alive. A part of me hoped that he would defeat Voldemort and come back, the elder wand in hand, screaming victory.

I sat alone on the steps outside the great hall. I couldn't face everyone. My eyes welled with water and tears would not stop falling down my face.

I curled up in a ball and hugged my knees. My eyes were red and my face was stained with blood and tears. I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath, more tears running down to my cheeks.

Suddenly, I heard something. A massive crash, as of something a had fallen off the bridge. Standing up and looking out the castle doors, my heart dropped. Voldemort was coming.

I ran to the great hall and opened the doors. Everyone's eyes turned to me.

"Guys!" I yelled, "you better come see this..."

I led them all to the from of the castle, where Voldemort and his followers were now stood in a huddle, some still making their was over the bridge there were that many.

Poor Hagrid was amongst them. And my eyes began to well in tears once more. Then I noticed Hagrid was carrying something. Something that looked a lot like a body. And my heart dropped.

"Who is that?" I asked in a panicked voice and turned a little to see Ginny behind me, "Ginny who is it?" My voice broke and I could feel my eyes beginning to tear up at the thought. He couldn't be..

Everyone gathered in front of the castle and Voldemort emerged from the crowd of death eaters in front of us.

"Harry Potter," he yelled, in his shrilling voice, "is dead!"

For a split second, it was as if time had stopped. I couldn't believe it. In the end Voldemort had got what he wanted. He had won. Harry was dead, and he killed him. My chest hurt. It was as if my heart had shattered into a billion pieces. The boy I loved. The boy I'd loved ever since I was 11 years old, was dead. Everything I'd imagined to happen in the future: our relationship, our house, kids, family, everything had vanished all within a second, and all I wanted to do was see him.

"No!!!!!" I screamed painfully, lunging forwards towards Harry's body, which Hagrid was still carrying. You could see the desperation on Ron's face as he ran towards me as fast as he could, pulling me back, not wanted to loose another loved one.

"Silence!" Voldemort yelled as Ron pulled me back as I began to sob, "stupid girl!"

I fell back against Ron and he held me up. I was so heartbroken I tried to scream but nothing was coming out. I covered my mouth, sobbing into my palm.

"Oh I remember you," Voldemort smirked, "Bennett's daughter." I stood up slowly from Ron's arms, looking over at Voldemort with an angry face. Ron pushed me behind him and I held my a hand on my shoulder. Professor McGonagall took me in her arms.

"Although you denied me all those years ago, I'm offering you a deal Miss Bennet," Voldemort spoke intimidatingly, "you never wanted your father to replace you did you? And a few hours ago when he told you what happened you felt, guilty, am I right?"

No words came from my mouth as I stayed close to McGonagall. He turned around and my dad emerged from the crowd of death eaters. The pace of my breathing began to quicken and so did my heart beat.

Voldemort spoke again, "you can take his place." I didn't speak and Voldemort raised his wand. "Crucio," he spoke, as if the words were an everyday saying and my dad screamed in pain.

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