Chapter 20 : Slytherin Common Room

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About a week later, the talk about Harry had still not died down. The four of us walked to study hall one day, Ron and Hermione having a conversation in front and Harry and I behind. Saying that, they weren't really have huge a conversation, Hermione was lecturing Ron on how he needs to study more.

I was talking to Harry about how what happened to me earlier that day. "It's like I blacked out, I don't remember anything that happened, but I woke up near the Hufflepuff common room. It was really weird," I explained and looked up to see everyone staring at us. No not us, they were staring at Harry.

Harry put his arm over my shoulder, bring me with him faster. "Just ignore them Harry," I whispered but he didn't answer as we all walked into study hall.

We found a table and I was about to sit next to Hermione put Harry stopped me. "No," he blurted, "sit here."

He motioned to the set next to him and I nodded, sitting down next to him. I hid my blush with my hair as Ron sat down next to Hermione.

We were in there for a couple hours. I kept looking over my shoulder to see people staring at Harry and I. It was weird.

After a while Harry sighed turning to the thre of us. "I'm going back to the common room," he announced and the three of us nodded, "you coming Liz?"

I nodded picking up my things and walkibg out with him.

"So earlier you said you woke up near the Hufflepuff common room?" He asked as we walked through the halls together.

"Yeah it was weird it's like-" I answered and was about to continued but Harry put his arm out in front of me, causing both of us to stop walking.

"What is it Harry?" I asked but he stayed silent. He walked closer to the wall, pressing his ear against it. "Harry?" I repeated.

"Come with me," he muttered, grabbing my hand and dragging me with him. I called his name a couple times out he just kept following the wall.

He turned the corner and stopped. "What is it," I whispered and followed his gaze.

"Oh my god," I gasped as I saw something I didn't want to see.

Justin had been petrified.

"That's Justin Fletchy," I gasped and we both ran up to him. I knelt down beside his frozen body and Harry sat down at the other side of him.

I ran my fingers along his cold skin, along his arm and to his wrist. I sighed, gripping his frozen hand.

"Caught in the act," a voice grumbled form beside us and our heads both shot up.

It was Filch. He had a huge smirk on his face. "I'll have you out this time Potter," he spat and ran off.

"No Filch," I called, "you don't understand."

Harry and I looked each other in the eyes. I got lost in them. He has beautiful eyes. I think that a lot. I heard heels echoing beside us and my head shot up, Harry following after.

Professor McGonagall sighed and shook her head at us. "Professor McGonagall I swear we didn't," Harry pleaded but she just sighed again.

"This is out of my hands Potter," she mumbled and instructed dus to follow her to Dumbledore's office.

I gulped and looked at Justin. I couldn't have done this. Neither of us could have. I stroked his cheek, before standing up and walking over to McGonagall.

I was looking down, scared of what Dumbledore might say. I felt a hand hold mine and I looked up to Harry smiling at me. I smiled back and gripped his hand tighter.

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