Chapter 39 : Two Places at Once

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We all crawled out of the hole beneath the Whomping Willow and the sky was now dark. The stars were twinkling in above us and We could see Hogwarts from afar, it was lit by the candles in the hallway.

The boys set Ron down against the tree trunk and Hermione and I crouched down beside him. I caught Harry looked over at his godfather as Sirius gazed at Hogwarts.

"Go," Hermione urged him but he turned back around shaking his head.

"No, I-I'm staying here."

I placed my hand on top of his and he looked into my hazel brown eyes. "You go we'll stay," I smiled softly and he eventually nodded, standing up and walking over to Sirius.

"It looks bad," Hermione cringed at Ron's leg.

"Does it hurt?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah it does, it's really bad, they might have to cut it off," he fretted and I rolled my eyes.

"Madam Pomfrey will be able to fix it," I chuckled.

"No," he shook his head, "it's gunna have to be cut off." I shook my head at him and Hermione giggled at his stupidity.

Soon, Peter Petigrew came out of the tree, trembling with fear for his life. He crawled over to the three of us and I stumbled away a little. He really freaked me out.

"You won't let them give me to the dementors will you?" He trembled, looking over at Ron, "I was your rat."

He then looked over at me, "you won't let them will you, beautiful girl, clever girl."

He was then pulled out of the way by Lupin, still pointing his wand it him at the same time.
I looked up at the sky and my heart stopped. I stood up to get a better look and gasped when I saw it.

"Harry!" I yelled and him and Sirius both turned around rapidly.

Lupin looked up at the sky and then it happened. Lupin was turning into a werewolf. Sirius was trying to help Lupin. I was pulled away by Harry. Lupin was screaming in pain. There was a ringing in my head and all I could see was chaos.

Harry wrapped his arms around me, doing his best to protect me. Lupin had soon turned into a werewolf and Sirius had been pushed aside. The four of us stepped back as the wolf howled loudly.

"Potter!" A voice bellowed from beneath us and we looked down to see Snape crawling out from under the tree. He grabbed Harry by the collar and I pointed up at Lupin. Snape immediately dived backwards covering us all from the monster.

Lupin whacked his paw at us and I felt a pain stream across my stomach. We all fell backwards and I screamed in pain. I could feel blood gushing from my stomach as I laid back on the dirt floor.

"Lizzie what is it?" Harry asked concerned and he lifted my shirt up a little. He cringed as he saw it and I cried in pain. There were two scratches on my stomach from lupins claws. Blood dripping down from them.

Harry took off his jacket, placing it on my stomach to try slow down the bleeding. I suddenly felt really dizzy and the last thing I saw was Sirius had turned into his animagus form to battle Lupin, trying to protect us. Then I passed out in Harry's arms.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I groaned as I turned my head to the other side. I saw Ron laying in the bed beside me and Hermione sat down in a chair between us.

Wait. I'm in the hospital wing. I raised myself up to sit against the headboard and felt an aching pain in my stomach. My torso was wrapped in bandages and I still had my cardigan on with my jeans. I held onto my stomach, wincing from then pain and Hermione turned her head towards me.

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