Chapter 60: Room of Requirement

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"You did it Neville," Hermione gasped as we all stood in the large room Neville had found, "you found the Room of Requirement."

"The what?" Ron asked and I too looked at her confused.

"It's also known as the come and go room," he began explaining, "The Room of Requirement only appears when a person is in real need of it. And it's always equipped or the speakers needs."

I nodded, understanding and Ron spoke up again.

"So say you really needed the toilet?"

His comment made me giggle and Hermione chuckled, shaking her head.

"Charming Ronald, but yes, that is the general idea."

"It's brilliant," Harry burst, a huge grin on his face, "it's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back."

Once we told everyone about the Room of Requirement, we soon began our lessons. Hermione, Ron and I helped out a little bit too but it was mainly Harry. We were learning too.

Right now we had a huge dummy in front of us and we were in a line. Neville was at the front with Harry and was having a bit of trouble leading the spell.

"Expeliarmus!" He yelled and his wand flew out of his hand and across the room, many of us having to duck as it passed us.

Neville sighed and turned back around, "I'm hopeless."

"Your just flourishing your wand too much," Harry instructed him, "try it like this. Expeliarmus!"

The dummy's wand flew out of its hand, Harry succeeding the spell with ease.

About a week later, we had now moved on to dueling. Harry asked me to come up and help which I was not really looking forward to. Everyone stood around us and I stood at one end of the room, Harry in the middle.

"Alright babe, give you best shot," he smirked and I raised my wand.

I took a deep breath before waving my wand and yelling, "Stupify!"

Harry immediately flew back and landed on the floor a few yards away from where he was stood. He chuckled a little and sat up from the ground.

"Yeah, that was good," he smiled and I ran over to help him up, giggling at his struggles.

A few other people tried it and soon Hermione and Ron went against each other.

"Don't worry I'll go easy on you," Ron spoke to her and I shook my head.

"Thanks Ron," she smiled sarcastically and I winked at her as Ron moved to his spot.

"One sickle," Fred whispered in George's ear.

"Your on," his twin smirked back and I giggled at their stupidity.

Ron took a deep breath before raising his wand but Hermione shot her spell first.

"Stupify," she yelled and Ron went flying back, landing in the floor.

Everyone clapped and giggled at Ron then Harry spoke up.

"I think it's only fitting that Hermione and Lizzie have a go right?" He smirked and everyone agreed.

Oh shit.

I walked over to Hermione and spoke to her before hand

"You have a big advantage here because I'm actually scared of you sometimes," I chuckled and she smiled.

"Don't worry I'll go easy on you," she joked.

"Oh will you now?"

We both giggled and I moved over to my spot. We both took a deep breath before raising our wands. The entire room went quiet and Hermione and I made eye contact.

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