Chapter 12 : Its a Flying Car..

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Beginning of second year...

So a lot has happened over the summer. Let me catch you up to speed.

So turns out my parents found out about what happened with me and my friends down in the dungeons. At first I thought they were going to be mad but turns out, they were really proud of me.

I got my hair cut. I've wanted to cut it for a while and my mum finally said yes. I cut it at my collar bone which is a big change from where it used to be, which was at my lower back. I think it makes my hair look really cute.

I had my birthday on the 2nd of July. I got loads of new clothes and I loved it. Speaking of clothes I got my first bra, 30A. I was very happy when I got it, but soon learned that it was a mistake because it can be quite uncomfortable.

I still have a scar on my eyebrow from what happened on the chess board which is annoying. It kind of makes me look like a badass though so I don't mind.

Hermione and I had our sleepover like we promised. It may have involved us in accidentally blowing up the microwave but we don't talk about that. Other than that we had an amazing time. We played outside, looked in magazines for posters of cute boys, took Polaroids, ate sweets and chocolate and I may have fallen off her bed at 2:3o in the morning. I laughed so hard I nearly fainted.

I read a couple books over the summer too and me and my parents even went on holiday to Italy. We visited my Nona while we were there. We had an amazing time and I was the only one who actually got a sun tan. We lazed on the beach and I even met a muggle friend there. She was called Lillie.

I grew a couple inches taller but I'm still small. I'm 4 foot 10 now which I still think is an improvement. I don't think I'll be very tall when I'm older. But you never know, I might grow.

I had an amazing summer holiday and I spent loads of time with my family. Soon enough we only had one week left until I had to go back to school. I was sat on my bed reading a muggle book called 'I am a Hitman' and I heard a thud on my window. I snapped my head up to the window in shock.

"For merlins sake Errol," I huffed as I made my way over to the window. Errol was the Weasleys owl. He wasn't the smartest bird I know. And he was a bit clumsy at times.

I opened the window and took the letter from him, stroking him for a few seconds before he flew off, back in the direction he came in.

I opened the letter and read it.

Dear Lizatron,

(I rolled my eyes at his weird nickname)

Hope all is well. Haven't heard anything from Harry have you? I haven't heard from him and I was wondering what was wrong with him. Anyway my mum would like to ask you to come and stay with us for a few days?

You can come in two days and you will be coming to diagonal alley with us. Mum keeps raving about some Gilderoy Lockhart guy at Flurish and Blotts and really wants to meet him. I think she fancies him. Anyway owl me back you answer as soon as possible.

Peace out,

P.S Hermione told me you blew up a microwave? What's that? And tell me how you did it.

Wow. I would love to stay at the Weasley's. I ran downstairs and handed the letter to my mum. She read it and smiled. "Of course you can go dear. Why don't you ask if you can come tomorrow? Me and your father have some shopping to do anyway and we'll be glad to drop you off on the way," she beamed and I nodded, thanking her and running off back to my bedroom.

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