Chapter 10 : Down the Trapdoor

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We all sped through the corridors and through to McGonagall's office. We ran as fast as we could through the rows of chairs and stopped at McGonagall's desk.

"We need Professor Dumbledore immediately," I panted and McGonagall looked up. "I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here, he received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London," she replied and returned to marking student work.

"He's gone, but this is important," Harry begged, "it's about the Philosophers Stone."

McGonagall had a confused and terrified look on her face as she looked back up at us. "How do you know-" she asked but Hermione cut her off, "someone's going to try and steal it."

There was a long silence before McGonagall spoke again. "Now I don't know how you four found out about the stone," she sighed, "but I assure you that it is well protected. Now will you go back to your dormitories, quietly."

We all sighed and turned around leaving. We exited the room and Harry turned to us, "that was no stranger hagrid met, it was Snape, which means he knows how to get past fluffy."

"And with Dumbledore gone," Hermione sighed but our conversation was interrupted.

"Good afternoon," a slow deal voice boomed from behind us. I gulped and we all looked up.

"Now what would four young Gryffindor's such as your selves be doing inside on a day like this?" Snape asked and we tried to answer but the words got stuck in our throats.

"We - erm - w-we were just-" I mumbled but Snape spoke again. "You better be careful," he muttered, "people will think your up to something."

And with that he took off, his enormous black cloak flowing behind him. "Now what do we do?" Ron asked and Harry sighed.

"We going down the trapdoor," he ordered, "tonight."

That night me and Hermione got changed quietly in our dorm, to make sure not to wake the others. I put on my light grey knee high socks and a small white tennis skirt. I layered an oversized light grey sweatshirt and we set off down stairs, meeting Harry and Ron on the way down.

Harry had his invisibility cloak so we could sneak out without Filch catching us.

We got to the common room and were greeted by a small, fat green toad on the arm chair. "Trevor," I grumbled and Ron stepped forward.

"Trevor, shh, go you shouldn't be here," he shooed the small frog and someone popped their head out from around the arm chair. "Neither should you," Neville appeared and stood up, "your sneaking out again aren't you. I won't let you. You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again. I-I'll - I'll f-fight you."

He put his fists up shaking and I really felt bad for him.

Hermione sighed and brought out her wand. "Neville I'm really, really sorry about this, Petrificus totalus."

She walked her wand and Neville froze, landing in the floor. I flinched as his plump body flopped on the ground. Poor Neville.

"Your a little scary sometimes," Ron gulped, "you know that? Brilliant, but scary."

I nodded in agreement and Harry walked on. "Let's go," he ordered and we followed him.

"Sorry," Harry apologised as he passed Neville:

"Sorry Neville," I muttered and kept walking.

"Sorry," Hermione copied and grabbed my hand as we kept walking.

"It's for your own hood you know," Ron mumbled as he picked the cloak up and followed us.

We walked under the cloak through the halls and to the third floor. "Ouch," Hermione yelped at Ron, who was behind her, "you stood on my foot." Ron apologised and we reached the big black door.

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