Chapter 84 : Snatchers

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Ron and I arrived in a small town. It was night. We had no where to go. And Snatchers could be anywhere. I held tightly on to Ron as we searched the streets for hours. Eventually, we found a small bar inside village and cautiously walked in.

The bar was empty, as if they were about to lock up for the night. Ron closed the door and we looked around. This place seemed familiar. Like I had been here before. Not recently. However, I got a little sense of déjà vu whilst walking through that door. "I recognise this place," I spoke my thoughts as I gazed around at the space.

"You recognise it?" Ron furrowed his eyebrows, "How many bars have you been to?"

"No it's not that," I rolled my eyes, "I just mean that-" I was cut off by a man walking though from the back door. "Hello," he greeted us, "and what can I do for you two today in this fine evening?"

As he looked up at both of us, his face turned into a surprised look and I recognised him almost immediately. "Elizabeth?" He chuckled in disbelief as he stepped out from behind the bar. "Mr Ranch, oh my god, hi," I giggled with a big smile and we embraced each other in a hug.

"Hello Elizabeth," he beamed and pulled away, "I haven't seen you in years, the last time I saw you, you were like this big." He held up his hand to show the hight of a ten year old and I chuckled nodding.

"Believe me, we all remember those times," Ron spoke and we both turned to him.

"And who might this be, is this Harry?" Mr Ranch asked, pointing at Ron and I shook my head. "No, this is Ronald Weasley, my other best friend," I corrected him and he chuckled.

"Attracting the boys I see, as always," he smirked, holding his hand out to shake Ron's hand, "it's lovely to meet you, Ronald."

"Erm- Ron is fine and It's lovely to meet you too Mr Ranch," he smiled and then stood back from the hand shake.

"Please, the both of you can call me Toner, it's what my friends call me. Oh! I just made a pot o' tea and some scones. How 'bout I lock up and we can all have a chat."

"That's would be lovely thank you," I beamed, nodding my head. "Right, it's just through there," Toner pointed to the doors he'd just come through, "I'll be there in a second."

He then walked back behind the bar to grab his keys to lock up. "Thank you Toner," Ron nodded to him and we both walked through the door. As soon as we were in there, Ron grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him.

"Who is this guy," he asked in a hushed voice as my body barged against his.

"Oh, he's mums work friend, they used be best friends know," I explained, "And they even almost kissed once, my mum told me all about it, but she was with my dad at the time so she couldn't actually go though with it. But just be nice okay and he's a Muggle so just be......vague about what you talk about."

Ron thought for a second before nodding, "Okay, but, what if we get caught?"

"We're not going to get caught Ron."

"Yes, but what if we do?"

"We won't, I promise." I held out my pinky finger and he rolled his eyes, linking his pinky to mine, symboling a pinky promise.

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