Chapter 42 : Triwizard Tournament

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We walked up staircase after staircase. I was exhausted. I panted as we almost reached the top. Either that was too many stairs, or I need to work out more. "Blimey dad," Ron gasped as he looked over the view, "how far up are we?"

"Well put it this way," we heard a voice echo from below us, "if it rains, you'll be the first to know."

Lucius Malfoy.

The four of us lent against the edge of the banister and stared down at him and his son. Draco Malfoy. He's a real git.

"My father and I are in the ministers box," Draco boasted, proudly, "our personal invitation from Cornelius Fudge himself!"

"Don't boast Draco," his father grumbled and hit him with his cane, "there's no need with these people."

Draco looked over at me and smirked.

"Looking good Bennet," he chuckled, "maybe if I slap your arse like I did last time you'll punch me in face again. That was hot."

"Don't temp me Malfoy," I gritted through my teeth and he bit his lip.

Harry quickly grabbed me in an attempt to walk away but before we could leave Lucius Malfoy stopped Harry with his cane, causing him to flinch.

"Do enjoy yourself won't you? While you can," he smirked and then let go. You could tell that was a threat. What did he mean by that?

Him and his son of a bitch son then strutted away, and we continued in our way to our seats.

When we were almost there Harry put his arm around my waist, stopping me from walking.

"Are you okay?" He asked once the others were far enough away.

"Yeah I'm fine why?" I questioned and he looked down with a guilty look.

"I-I didn't know that's why you punched Malfoy last year. I thought it was because of Buckbeak, I didn't see him slap your arse."

"Harry it's fine, really."

"If I did see it believe me he still wouldn't be walking now."

I chuckled and placed my hands either side of his neck.

"Really I'm fine," I assured him  and stood on my tiptoes, kissing his lips.

We soon caught back up with the others and took our seats. They were very high up and had an amazing view of the pitch.

"Here we are kids," Arthur beamed, "told you these seats would be worth waiting for didn't I?"

After the game finished we all went back to the tent and messed around. It was an amazing game. Victor Krum, the Bulgarian seeker, was amazing. That's who Harry, Ron and I supported. The others supported the Irish. Hermione did say that she thought Victor was fit but I don't really think so.

In the end, Viktor Krum managed to catch the Snitch and salvage Bulgarian dignity, although Ireland won the actual game.

Everyone was dancing around and singing. The twins, Ginny and Hermione were all rubbing the Irish's win in our faces which was really annoying.

"There's no one like Krum. He's more than an athlete," Ron yelled as we all danced around him, "he's an artist."

"Think your in love Ron," Ginny commented, which made me chuckle.

"Shut up," Ron winged and I chuckled even more.

"Victor I love you," Fred sung and George finished, "Victor I do."

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