Royal Meeting

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I was sitting on the edge of the bed blinking a few times looking like an absolute puzzled stupid right now. I mean WHAT? How is that even possible? Somewhere I thought is thus a joke? But why would she joke something like this? Those weird dreams, that incident... Started flashing my mind and I pushed my hair in frustration. I was too shocked after reading my mom's letter. I couldn't understand what exactly to do. I am a what? Witch? How on earth can that be possible? I mean, I can do magic? That's ridiculous. Do these things ever exist? No. I don't think so... But why would She lie about it? And would uncle Tom joke with me like this? I checked the handwriting one more time to make sure this was my mom's and to my surprise it was. 

Anyways I took a deep breath before taking the letter in my hands again and I kept the letter under my pillow as I had to go for my daily work schedules. But my mind was full of those thoughts and waited impatiently for tonight, as it was supposed to be a full moon night. I wanted to try this to make sure if this works. A sudden hope worked on me thinking I might have n escape from here. I might have a family... Dad... He is alive? Then why didn't he come to meet us all these years? KIngdom? Will I have to go to the palace? But no, wait... The king in London Isn't a Macduff... Aghhh This is too frustrating for me... I wanted to know the truth. I waited patiently for the night. Finally, after completing my work I came to my room and took out the letter from under my pillow. I checked if everyone is asleep or not. After making sure personally by visiting each room that everyone slept, I came to the roof, finally opened the letter once again.

I mumbled while looking at it -" Okay, Let's try, What was it? yeah... ' Equimenous Wizarda '!!!"

I expected something big to happen like those Disney movies, I looked here and there while blinking my eyes a few times. NO!! Nothing happened... Maybe the spell expired? Ahhh!!! I sighed while looking down sadly. I read out the letter one more time to make sure I have read it correctly the last time.

I waited for a few more minutes and nothing happened. I tried two times more but still, nothing happened. For some reason, I was hoping this all turn into a truth, but I guess it's not. I was right Magic doesn't exist. How can I be so fooled? Maybe mom just wrote it for her amusement... I sadly chuckled and I turned back to the stairs to come down. But then suddenly, I heard some noise and turned back. I looked up at the sky I saw a bright light, coming towards me. I stumbled a little while walking a few steps backward from the sudden act. And slowly it came towards me and stopped on my rooftop. I was a little confused with the fact of what was going on, so I made my hands ready for self-defense. I waited for some time while looking at it with a confused look and complete shock on my face and it turned into a beautiful royal lady.

The Lady stood up while dusting her clothes and looking here and there with a confused face, she slowly turned towards me while looking at me from head to toe and asked-" Who are you, young witch?" She glared at me once again with a frown as asked-" Well you don't seem to be a proper witch yet, how do you recite this spell? Why did you call me? Don't you know this is a royal spell? Besides, it is forbidden to use spells outside your school until you become a proper witch." She paused while I was busy looking at her and she asked again-" Now, will you speak who are you?"

" She paused while I was busy looking at her and she asked again-" Now, will you speak  who are you?"

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