A picnic day- Part two ( Confession)

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His kingdom was indeed bigger and stronger than ours, and also his father and mother are wise kings and queens. They did not show off their powers as they ruled the kingdom with grace and love just like their children. The people here seemed happy. Our country was stronger for grandma, but dad is alone without a queen in his beside, which had affected his status and his mental health too. I can now understand why the queen is equally important as the king in a kingdom, she gives strength to him while he is busy ruling the kingdom.

Nevertheless, My father had never been discouraged towards his responsibilities but I am sure he misses mom very much. I wished if mom was here she would have hugged me too as Priam's mother did. She would have been proud of me too... I would have told her all that was going on inside me.

A drop of tear escaped from my eyes, with the thought of her. I heard someone knocks at my door as I turned around to find his mom standing with a wide smile on her face, I quickly wiped my tears and welcomed her with a smile. I asked-" You could have asked for me... queen..."

She didn't let me finished when she hugged me, and I won't lie, I felt the warmth of a mother in her arms, unknowingly I tightened the hug while keeping my head on her shoulder. She said while patting my head slowly-" Priam told me about you everything and I want you to know that I am always there for you as your mother. "

She broke the hug and look into my eyes before saying-" I have always wanted a daughter of mine, but his father told me that we should focus on our sons for now and probably wait until they bring our daughters as his wife."

I felt my face burning in shyness while hearing this. I blinked my eyes a few times as I processed what she meant by that. I have never imagined she would tell like this. Even though we are not sure of ourselves, but she didn't hesitate. She looked at me and chuckled and said-" well, I am very happy to meet you princess Parshawna, I could feel he didn't make any mistake.". She kissed my forehead with a smile.

I was confused to understand what she said and soon after some time when I understood her meaning I blushed hard. 

She added-" You are cute as well as pretty. Now come down and have lunch with us okay? Hope you are comfortable here?'

I nodded while giving her a warm smile. She left and I sighed in relief thinking how I was blushing at her words but very words were giving me hundred of butterflies in my stomach. I bit my lower lips as I tried to stop blushing all over again.

I came down and we had lunch together while I was happy to see how welcome they were having us while everyone was laughing and giggling at the table.

King Nashall said while chewing his food-" You know, I was thinking of my young days when I went to WitchWard Wizards School for the first time. Those were amazing days, I made so many friends but it became wonderful until I found his mother, my queen, Kellneir. She was the innocent and the prettiest lady I have seen so far and on the first meeting, I had fallen for her so hard that I thought to made her my only queen. At the time of war when I had to leave, I confessed and she accepted my confession. Without her being by my side I would have never thought to come so far." He looked at the queen who was blushing at his words as she hit his arms playfully.

Priam replied-" You are obsessed with mother dad!!!" He rolled his eyes at them as he started eating his food.

We laughed at his words when His father replied smilingly-" Well, who wouldn't, I cannot lose the most pretty girl to any other right? And you and William are the amazing examples of our beautiful love my dear" He playfully winked looking towards the queen when she shyly hit his chest signing that they were around us.

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