A picnic day- part 1

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I was sitting on the corner of the bed waiting impatiently for my grandmother and dad. I was scared of thinking about what should I tell them? Do they know about Ben Dunnie? No, they cannot know about him possibly, Nobody knew about him yet apart from my friends. I was a little afraid of thinking what if Jennifer and her friends saw him, but I was relieved to hear they were unconscious at that time.

I was waiting while looking at the door impatiently when Grandma comes inside along with dad. She immediately rushed to me while hugging me saying-" Oh my dear, I was so scared when I heard about the incident."

She looked at me, carefully trying to locate any bruises, to check if I am hurt. I gave her a smile of assurance saying-" Grandma, I am okay, I am your granddaughter nothing can hurt me until you all are with me." I looked towards Priam and said-" Thanks to him, If he didn't come on time, I would have..."

Dad quickly said in a worried tone-" No, don't tell that Shawna, I have already lost your mother, You are the only precious thing left to me, I cannot lose you at any cost, my daughter"

I gave him an assured look and replied-" dad! I am absolutely fine, and I am not leaving you guys"

Grandma took out her wand and cast a spell towards me-" Bonus salus"

I could feel myself getting better already, She cast a spell to cure any injuries if I had any, and for good health.

Grandma walked up from my bed towards Priam and gave him a warm hug when he shyly looked down accepting the love from her. Grandma broke and hug and looked at him and said-" How could I say thank you young man for saving my little princess? "

He couldn't say anything and kept smiling and looking towards me.

She continued-" You are a fine young prince and I am sure you will be a wise king someday. Though you didn't let me know that what should we do to return the favor, I give you my words that whenever or whatever you want I will accept any of your wishes"

 Though you didn't let me know that what should we do to return the favor, I give you my words that whenever or whatever you want I will accept any of your wishes"

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She handover a red ribbon towards him, while saying-" This is a queen's promising thread that will allow you to grant any wish, at any time, any day."

Parshawna Macduff - the greatest witch of the decade ✔Where stories live. Discover now