Chapter 1

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"Cmon gorgeous, wake up." I heard Mason's husky voice tiredly whisper as he lazily poked my face.

Turning around, I shuffled right to the end of the bed and laid flat on my stomach successfully stopping him from ruining such an amazing nap.

Falling in and out of consciousness, I tried my absolute hardest to continue with my dream but it was of no use. Mason had ruined the most amazing dream I had ever had. What kind of boyfriend is he? He has no consideration for the possibility that maybe I'm having the most perfect dream and I shouldn't be woken up no matter what just so I can enjoy it. But no!

"I hate you, so so much." I groaned as I rolled off the bed and lay flat on the floor.

"I love you more." He mumbled as he forcefully got himself to get out of bed and stood in front of me. His eyes were barely open, and there was light stubble already growing on his face despite having shaved earlier this morning. I couldn't help but stare at the shirtless man in front of me.

"You're hot." I winked as he rolled his eyes and held his hand out for me to take.

Pulling me up off the floor, I wrapped both my arms around one of his and rest my head on his bicep while he lead us both out of my room and into the bathroom.

"Wake yourself up, I'm going to get our food." He said as he kissed the top of my head and left me in the bathroom.

"Put a shirt on or they might sue you for nudity." I yelled as his deep laughter filled the apartment while I washed my face with a stupid grin on my face.

We're officially almost done with our second year at NYU and I've never been happier. Despite having received so many offers from Ivy League schools, I didn't have the heart to leave here. I didn't have the heart to leave my family and friends and go somewhere so far away. Besides, it's not a loss for me, NYU has a great medical programme and I'm glad to say that I'm halfway through.

Mason and I bought an apartment together, he had a lot of money saved up from his fights and jobs, while I got a job too during both summer vacations. We decided not to get any help from our family just so we could step into our college life as independent as we possibly could. It was quite hard apartment shopping, but we managed to find a perfect one barely five minutes away from campus. We did find a few 'perfect ones' but the deal with our family was that they had to approve of it. Kelly and Mason's uncle Kenny both loved our other options, but the men in my family are always so difficult. It all worked out in the end though.

Let me tell you, buying an apartment costs a pretty penny, but I'm glad we ended up doing it. It's like our little home just for the two of us, and Ella of course. Yes, I'm still pregnant with her, she's just a shy baby that's all. Three years and counting.

Turning to the side, I patted my bloated belly and let out a loud groan. The pregnant life is a hard life. Throwing on one of Mason's hoodies, I threw cold water on my face to wake me up before patting it dry. I quickly put on some moisturiser and lip gloss before rushing out of the bathroom and into the living room where Mason was sat with a box of pizza.

"You could've told me!" I huffed as I sat next to him and grabbed a slice.

"I was hoping you'd take longer so I could eat it all." He grinned as I rolled my eyes. I've never been so tempted to pizza slap someone in my entire life, but that's a waste of pizza.

"What're we watching?" I asked as I leaned my head on his shoulder while he scrolled through Disney plus.

"We're on season seventeen of Grey's, you up for it?" He asked as I rapidly nodded.

"Aren't I always?" I asked rhetorically as he rolled his eyes and pressed play. I'm entirely convinced that my boyfriend, Mason Gregory Black, is a huge greys anatomy fan. Ever since I first made him watch it back when we were both in high school, he always seemed to find an excuse to watch it with me. According to him, he does it because I love it. It sounds sweet but he's a liar. He's selfish and does it for himself.

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