Chapter 51

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Has anyone ever gone into labour almost fourteen weeks pregnant? Because I'm seriously contemplating on throwing the performance of my life and pretending to go into labour. The only issue is that the room is filled with future doctors and a professor that specialises in anything medical related, and so my performance won't go very far no matter how good it is.

Staring at the mess of words in front of me, I closed my eyes and a ran through my hair. My fingers got caught in a few tangles making me hiss in pain and gather the attention of a couple surrounding students.

Shaking my head, I closed my eyes for a couple seconds and listened to the usually inaudible sounds around me. I could hear the clock at the front of the room ticking, I could hear a couple people silently whisper to themselves, I could hear the guy next to me breathing, and I could hear my own heartbeat.

"You okay?" Grayson asked as I looked up to see our professor fast asleep while Grayson slowly leaned over.

"Yeah I'm good." I whispered as I picked up my pencil and started reading the questions.

An hour went by and I was flying through the paper. I hadn't realised my hand was stroking my bump till I caught someone staring at me. Shooting them a glare, they immediately looked away and I glanced down at my belly. It's not very big at the moment, but according to the poster in the doctors office, my baby didn't seem like it was the size of a lemon, maybe a mango. A very big mango.

I guess it was an unconscious way of calming myself down. I flew through the paper like it was the easiest thing I've ever done. Despite having only studies religiously for a week instead of a month, I'd say I'm doing pretty well. This is only one of three tests, and all I'm hoping is that the other two are as easy as this one.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'll see you later this afternoon." Dr Evans dismissed as we all placed our papers on his desk before leaving.

Walking out of the room, I felt as though everything test related left my mind the second I spotted Mason leaning against the wall waiting for me. He seemed frustrated at whoever was on the phone.

"Everly, hi." Grayson said as he stepped in front of me blocking my view of Mason.

"Hi, Grayson." I said with a small smile hoping Mason comes to my rescue. Though I doubt it, I don't think he can see me.

"I...I wanted to talk to you. See how you are." He gulped nervously as I looked at him in confusion.

"I'm okay, thank you for asking. But I have to get going." I smiled as he ran a hand through his hair.

"You're not purposely ignoring me are you? Because you know who my dad is now and I just think you're avoiding me. We're not like his brother." He justified. I could see him grow more frustrated by the second.

"I'm sorry Grayson, but I don't have to justify myself to you. You may not be like him and I don't doubt that, but I have my own reasons." I said as I stepped to the side to leave just for him to step the same way. "Grayson I'm too tired for this, please leave." I sighed as he ran a hand through his hair and looked at me in frustration.

"You're tired? I'm fucking tired of my family and I wanting to have some sort of relationship with people who are supposed to be 'family'." He said in frustration as I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Your dad wants to be family now? What about when his brother was beating the shit out of his wife and kids? What about the time his brother would terrorise us and have us looking over our shoulder every second of the day? What about the time my brothers would stay locked up in the house afraid of going out? What about the time his brother caused an accident on the road that nearly killed me?" I glared as I turned around and stormed off down the hallway leaving a stunned Grayson behind me.

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