Chapter 21

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"I packed you extra clothes in case you want to change your outfit four times a day, I've got all your shower things in this bag including some extras in case you run out. You shouldn't though because they're brand new. There's two towels in there too just in case your hotel don't have enough. I put four pairs of shoes that will match all your outfit in the top bit. I even put like fifteen pairs of underwear in case you shit yourself too." I told him and quietly thought about anything I was missing.

The boys are all going on a boys holiday together. Max, Noah, Milo, Kade, Mason, Kenny, and Harry. At first it was supposed to be just Mason, Kenny, and Harry but Kenny suggested all the boys should tag along. And so they all decided to go to Miami. Mason was not as excited as I expected him to be and instead he sulked the entire time I asked him what he wanted to pack. I love packing suitcases, it's oddly satisfying.

Anyway, they've had this planned for the last week making more last minute than hoped for considering we were rushing around getting everything for his holiday. I'm pretty sure I was more stressed than he was.

"Bambi, love, my gorgeous girl, you didn't need to do that." He chuckled as I waved him off and stared at the bag. "But thank you anyway. I'm pretty sure I have everything." He said as I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"Yes that's what it was!" I mumbled to myself as I rushed over to my dressing table and pulled open the drawer. "You have to wear this so no hot beach girls make a move on you." I grinned as I slipped the silver ring on his ring finger as he burst into a fit of laughter.

"I always knew you were the jealous type." He teased as I raised an eyebrow at him. Does he really want to go there?

"And you're not?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

"No. I just know no one will hit on my frog looking girlfriend." He said as he kissed my nose while I tilted my head with a sarcastic smile on my face.

"Well in that case, I think I'll take Holly up on that offer." I winked as he gave me a confused look.

"What offer?" He asked with a slight frown as I waved him off and shot a quick text to Holly before calling her and putting her on speaker. "What offer?" He whispered as he nudged my thigh.

"Hey Ev." Hollys voice spoke through the phone.

"Hey Holls, I hope you haven't given my place off to anyone else." I said as she laughed while Mason looked as confused as ever.

"Course not girl, I'll pick you up at nine." She said as Mason grabbed my phone from me. Just as I knew he would.

"Where are you guys going Harry?" He said as I could practically see her rolling her eyes.

"Just for that, I'm not telling you." Holly teased. Mason has been calling Holly, Harry for the longest time. According to him you can't make very many nicknames with Holly and so he just gave her an entire new name, and so the name stuck. It gets funny when the actual Harry is around.

"Fine! Holly, where are you guys going tonight?" He asked as he impatiently waited for a response.

"We're going to a club!" She exclaimed as his eyes bulged out of their sockets instantly making him choke on air. "We bought a sexy little red dress for Ev the other day and now she has an excuse to wear it!" She said as I could practically see her grinning from ear to ear. Red is his weakness.

"A fucking club?!" Mason choked as he looked at me with wide eyes. "In a sexy little red dress?" He coughed as I rolled my eyes and nodded while Holly happily confirmed.

Holly and I both waited for him to say something else but nothing came. Instead, his face went from shocked, to disbelief, to suddenly calm. As though he was perfectly fine with it.

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