Chapter 55

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"Happy. Birthday. To. The. Love. Of. My. Life." Mason said as he kissed me after each word. It's a bit rude he didn't kiss me after each letter, but I'll let it slide this one time.

A wide smile spread across my face as I stretched my arms and legs before sitting up. Mason brought the bed tray closer to me and kissed the top of my head before placing a small box on the side.

Picking up the box, I raised an eyebrow at him while he simply shrugged his shoulders. I pulled off the lid and almost gasped at the beautiful studs shining right at me. They were simple and elegant just how I liked it, not too small and not too big.

"These are so pretty." I pouted as I held them up against the light and stared in awe as they shone bright.

Taking the box from me, he carefully put the studs in my ears before kissing my cheek and putting the box on the bedside table on my side of the bed.

"Eat up, we have a busy day." He said before disappearing into the bathroom.

Halfway through breakfast, I heard my phone buzzing somewhere around our bed. I felt around for it till I finally found it and picked up the group FaceTime with my family and friends.

Fourteen grinning faces popped up on the screen.

"Happy birthday!" They all yelled at once as I laughed and set my phone up on the tray while I ate.

"Since you don't like opening any of our texts, we thought we'd call." Austin said as I rolled my eyes.

"I just woke up!" I justified as all fourteen of them rolled their eyes. I know they know I was sleeping.

"Mason stole dinner so we're having a family lunch at one 'o' clock." Dad said as everyone nodded while I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Every year on all our birthdays we have a family dinner. The entire family gathers over at dads place and we all have dinner no matter what the occasion is. So this year if Mason has taken dinner, I wonder what he has planned.

"Any preference, darling?" Mom asked as she made the twins breakfast.

"Erm I'm not sure actually. Surprise me." I grinned as she shook her head in amusement.

"I didn't buy you a present because I thought I'd save the trees so in a way that's your gift. Your lack of contribution to climate change." Aiden yelled from somewhere while Hayley rolled her eyes and flipped the camera to see Aiden doing push ups on their living room floor.

"I said he couldn't do one hundred and fifty and he decided to prove me wrong." Hayley winked as I burst into a fit of laughter.

"He might be able to scrape one hundred and fifty but there's no way he's getting to two hundred." I played along as she laughed and agreed.

"I'll fudging do it with one arm behind my back." Aiden glared as we all rolled our eyes.

"Family dinners at one but I know your fat ass will be hungry so at four we're going for food again." Max said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're a fat butt not me." I glared as he rolled his eyes.

"Okay got to go, we'll see you all soon. Bye love you!" Dad said before hanging up.

"Love you guys, bye." I grinned before hanging up myself.

Soon enough I was done with breakfast and Mason came walking out of the bathroom with his towel hanging around his hips. He made his way into our closet and got changed while I reluctantly got out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom to shower.

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