Chapter 4

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"Come on Hayden!" We yelled in the crowd as we watched as he dribbled the ball across the basketball court and shot it through the net. He moved at lightening speed as we had to literally strain our eyes so we could see him.

"That's my boy!" Dad yelled proudly as we watched Hayden high five his team mates.

The game soon ended with our team winning with twenty four points while the other team lost with eleven. We wasted no time rushing down the bleachers and onto the court where the team was celebrating. Rushing over to Hayden, I wrapped my arms around him and spun him around in the air before setting him back down on the ground.

"I can't believe you made it!" He grinned he was tackled into another hug from Hudson.

"How could I miss your game?" I grinned as I ruffled his hair and watched as dad threw him up in the air before catching him and setting him back down on the ground. "You played so well dude! You might have to teach me something." I winked as he rolled his eyes and nodded.

The court was full of parents congratulating their kids while the losing team sulked at the side. Since they're barely in middle school. I glanced around the large crowd of people to see one specific kid staring in our direction with a hateful look in his eyes.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I watched as the kids gaze moved away from the twins and up to me. His eyes widened in surprise as he immediately looked away and turned his back to me. I have a feeling this kid is the Gordon Hayden was talking about last night.

"Why don't we go out to celebrate, yeah?" Dad suggested as the twins cheered while the team ran off into their locker room to get changed.

I looked over at the kid from earlier to see him and his team following Hayden's team into the locker room. Since they're barely in middle school, the only people they're playing against is themselves. Their team is split into two and they play against each other. It's not until they get older till they start to play against other schools.

Dad, Hudson, Mason, and I made our way back to the parking lot and stood in front of the car as we waited for Hudson.

Ten minutes went by and he still hadn't shown up. I felt my nerves starting to raise as I thought of a million and one possibilities. I looked over at the boys to see dad busy on his phone while Mason and Hudson played catch with the football.

"Mason, can you go get Hayden?" I asked as he gave me a confused look.

"I can, what's wrong?" He asked as kept my eyes on the entrance where the kids were all coming out from and walking over to their parents cars.

"Can you just go get him please?" I asked nervously as he gave me a strange look before walking off to the entrance.

It wasn't long till he returned with Hayden sitting on his shoulders laughing. I felt myself immediately relax as I saw he was completely fine and watched as the two of them stood directly in front of me.

"You're good?" I asked, just to be sure.

"Mhm, especially since dads on treats!" He grinned as Mason put him down and sat him on the hood for the car. "Mase, can we play basketball before you have to leave?" He asked.

"Can we play football too?" Hudson added as the twins gave him their best puppy dog eyes while he rolled his eyes in amusement.

"I'll think about it, let's get going now yeah?" He said as they both nodded and jumped off the hood of the car.

I quickly got in the back in between the twins while Mason sat in the passenger seat. We patiently waited for dad to get off the phone as the four of us simply stared at him. He glanced over at us, giving us a strange look, and cut his phone call short.

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