Chapter 10

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I didn't go home. I didn't even leave the cafe. Well, I did but that was when one of the workers told me to leave. He looked as though he didn't even want to approach me, but I guess that's because I looked so upset.

My phone was buzzing nonstop and all I wanted to do was throw it in the middle of the road. All my memories are back up in my Snapchat anyway so I couldn't care less about the rest of it. I contemplated whether or not if I should call one of my brothers and stay over at theirs, but that would either result in another round of tears or they'd jump to conclusions like I have. Sure, I don't know what exactly he was talking about and he could be referring to having met Ladybug and Cat Noir and not told me, but I guess it's in the human nature to think of the worse possible scenario.

"Do you want me to call you an Uber?" The same guy that kicked me out of the cafe asked as I sat on a bench.

"No thanks." I whispered as he hesitantly nodded and sat down next to me. "You don't have to wait with me." I sniffled.

"I don't mind staying till you have somewhere to go. I'm guessing you don't want to go home?" He asked as I instantly shook my head.

"Might stay at my brothers." I said as I got up from the bench and turned to face him as he stood up too.

"Are you saying that to get rid of me or are you actually going?" He asked sceptically as a small smile made its way to my face.

"No, I am. Thank you." I smiled as he nodded his head and watched as I made my way to the side of the road.

I quickly booked an Uber and waited for it to come. Thankfully, it took less than ten minutes for it to arrive and before I knew it I was halfway to Aiden's. He owes me for making Kai like him more. Though I doubt he'd mind anyway.

Once we arrived outside the apartment building, I thanked the driver and made my way out. I walked in through the lobby and straight to the elevators. It took a couple minutes to arrive on the ground floor. Pressing the button to the twenty fifth floor, I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. My back was starting to hurt from carrying my notes and laptop, I can't wait to throw it off.

The elevator soon stopped and I immediately made my way to their apartment. I knocked on the door and patiently waited for someone to open it. I heard slightly rustling before the door was thrown open by a very frantic Hayley.

She visibly relaxed the second she saw me and threw her arms around me pulling me in for a tight hug.

"You silly girl." She sighed as she pulled me inside. "Aiden, shes here." She yelled as she grabbed my backpack and forced me to sit down on the couch just as Aiden came running out with Kai in his arms.

"You little shit, where the hell have you been?" He asked as he handed Kai over to Hayley and wrapped his arms around me shoulders, pulling me into his chest.

"You've not been answering any phone calls or text messages. None of your friends have heard from you, especially Mason." Hayley said worriedly as she sat on the coffee table in front of me.

"Can I stay the night?" I asked as they both gave me a confused look. "And can you also not tell anyone?" I said as I bit my lip hoping they'd agree.

"Of course you can babe." She said as she handed Kai back over to Aiden and pulled me up off the couch before leading me to a guest bed room. Poor kids being passed around like a pass the parcel.

Closing the door behind her, she sat me on the bed and stood in front of me.

"Tell me what's wrong." She demanded softly as I fiddled with my fingers unsure if I should tell her what my own inaccurate theory is.

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